What did you learn about watersheds and why is it important to take care of them?
Savannah Cooper
10/14/2016 06:11:42 am
I learned that the water shed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. I also learned that water sheds can be polluted very easily by everyday things that you wouldn't think could be that bad. For example pest-aside, fertilizer, or oil leaking from your car. Finally its important to take care of water sheds because they provide water for the animals and if its polluted the animals will be drinking the dirty water, also the water will eventually evaporate and move to different bodies of water but its still that dirty water. That is why it's important to take care of watersheds.
10/14/2016 06:14:06 am
It was very interesting because it would of been the same indoors but less cold. But the presentation was cool because she showed us it by letting us actually do stuff to show us how it works.
Gianna B
10/14/2016 06:14:48 am
It's important because if we don't keep it clean it could destroy our water system. i learned that soil was a waste
Keegan Sleipnes
10/14/2016 06:15:20 am
I learned that even if an oil leek from the car and it starts to rain it can go for miles and miles into a river or a stream. Even fertilizer can affect the water ways. Its important to take care of these watersheds because oil, fertilizer, trash,ect. All contaminate are watersheds.
10/14/2016 06:16:02 am
I really learned alot. I learned that the rain ends up going into a body of water, and the liter gets washed up with it and goes to our water. It's important to not liter so we don't put trash in our water supply.
10/14/2016 06:16:32 am
I learned that a watershed is a area of land that drains into a particular body of water. it goes to rivers,oceans,storm drains,streams,and the bay. it can get polluted very easily mostly from oil spills fertilizer pesticides and trash liter and even fumes. it is important to care for watersheds because it can kill plants animals and just make the water dirty and nobody wants to live in dirty water so why should the animals suffer from our mistakes.
10/14/2016 06:16:55 am
Yesterday when my science class went to Mr. B's backyard classroom, we learned about watersheds and why its important to take care of them. A watershed is a particular area that drains into a particular body of water. Watersheds are very helpful to our society. As it said in the definition, the water drains, so basically the dirty water is going into the ocean, lake, pond, streams, etc. The watershed is important because it separates dirty water and clean water. You should keep our environment clean, so in return, we can get clean water.
10/14/2016 06:18:50 am
I learned that is ti important to take care of watersheds.because the animals that live in the water don't want to live in conditions like that full of oil plastic and other things that should not be in the water.Also that dirty water goes into a bigger body of water when it rains so it is simply a self polluting system if you don't take care of the watershed.That is why it's important to protect the watershed.
Gianna Tremont
10/14/2016 06:18:59 am
A watershed is an area of land the drains into a particular body of water. It is very important to take care of the environment because a lot of bad things can happen like paper every where and people littering and throwing things on the grass and making every thing dirty. But if you take care of the place that you live in it would be a better environment for everyone including animals and humans. I also learned a lot about watersheds like its important to protect our watersheds, some ways to protect our watersheds are not to litter, recycle, volunteer for cleanups, clean up if you see trash on the ground, and don't cut trees. that is how you can take care of the environment and our watersheds.
Aziyah M.
10/14/2016 06:19:23 am
I learned a lot from the Mr. B's Watershed Presentation.A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water.Also there are ways how the watershed come polluted. Here are some oil leaking,litter,animal waste,and fertilizer. It's important to take care of watersheds because it will be a lot of dirty things in our system.That's not good for the nature.Also u don't want to litter and have trash everywhere.This is what I learned about watersheds and how to take care of them.
Felix Vargas
10/14/2016 06:19:38 am
watershed is a area of land that drains into a particular body of water. some ways watershed becomes polluted [soil,oil,trash,paper,pesticides fertilizer]...to protect our watersheds{ don't liter ,recycle. ^_^
Kyle J
10/14/2016 06:20:17 am
I learned that watersheds are an area of land that drains into a particular body of water.There's a lot of stuff that can pollute a watershed. Its important to keep it clean because the water can lead into stuff we use every morning. Maybe stuff we in the afternoon or at night. Also there's animals that might live in that water or need it to survive. So they would be effected by that polluted water.
10/14/2016 06:20:45 am
During the watershed presentation I learned a whole lot about why our watersheds are polluted,point and nonpoint pollution,and some ways to protect our watersheds. To tell you the truth I was really interested into this topic.
10/14/2016 06:22:00 am
10/14/2016 06:29:23 am
The water shed is an area of land that drains into a specific body of water. It is essential for clean and pure water. However, if we want to keep it clean, we need to protect our watersheds. We can protect the watershed by recycling, volunteering and not littering. This is what I have leaned about watersheds and how to keep them clean.
Leila B.
10/14/2016 06:39:19 am
There were many things I that learned abut watersheds and why it was important to take care of them. To start off, a "watershed" is a particular area that drains into a particular body of water. Also, it's important to take care of the watersheds because if we don't, the water drainage will get clogged.
Kayla U.
10/14/2016 06:40:25 am
Watersheds are interesting in my opinion. I learned that water sheds are a particular part of land that drains water. I also learned that when it rains water will go into watersheds, the water can also go into the ground. I also found out that watersheds can become polluted because of oil spills or litter. We have two types of basins in Mr. B's. We have a retention basin and a detention basin. A detention basin is not permanently there it's just temporary. I enjoyed the presentation, It was filled with useful information and interesting facts about watersheds.
10/14/2016 06:59:00 am
You should take care of water sheds to keep away pollution and, I learned that a water shed is a area of land that drains into a particular body of water.
10/14/2016 06:59:32 am
The watershed presentation was a very interesting and full of facts experience. I learned that that watersheds are a very important part of Earth's system and that we should take care of it because if not we might be drinking dirty water and that leads to sickness and disease. So, overall I learned that it super important to take care of Earth's watershed.
10/14/2016 07:00:34 am
Yesterday morning, I learned about watersheds. A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Some ways the watershed becomes polluted by oil leaks, soil erosion, fertilizer, pesticides, animal waste, and litter. We can protect our watersheds through education, not littering, recycling, and planting trees or any type of plant. Watersheds are important because the surface water features and storm water runoff within a watershed ultimately drain to other bodies of water.
Justin Jackson
10/14/2016 07:00:44 am
The day we learned about watershed from the watershed ambassador I learned that there are many types of problems that can ruin the world.Pet waste,oil.I also learned that not all chemicals are traceable.
10/14/2016 07:01:18 am
During this lesson, I learned that Mr.B's Backyard is a part of the Mullica River. A watershed is where different bodies of water meet and come together. I also learned many different ways we can prevent them from getting polluted. The watershed comes polluted from acid rain, plastic bags, cans, gasoline, etc. Just remember to recycle.
Olivia T.
10/14/2016 07:03:24 am
I learned what a watershed was. A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Also I learned that when water goes down the drain it goes into our body of water (Mullica River Watershed). It is important to protect our watershed because it is home to many animals that would die if we didn't protect it. Also the animals would be changed.
10/14/2016 07:03:54 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. When It rains the water go into oceans, ponds, and lakes. If the water Is polluted It can harm the animals habitats. Oils leaking, litter and more can damage our society. If you stop polluting our earth will be a more efficient place. I learned lots of things I never knew about watersheds. Now I know not to litter and protect the earth
10/14/2016 07:05:16 am
Watershed is very important to nature. A watershed is an are of land that drains into a particular body of water. I learned that watershed can become polluted from oil leaking from our vehicles, soil erosion, fertilizer,etc. Some ways we can protect our watersheds is to plant trees, recycle, etc. Just remember these thing so you can protect our watersheds.
10/14/2016 07:05:32 am
I learned a lot about watersheds, like they can get easily polluted.Also that there is different types of pollution, which is non point source and point source.One really cool fact i learned was that every water source around here is connected to the Mullica River. I learned its important to take care of the watersheds because many animals used that to get there water.
Jessica M
10/14/2016 07:05:46 am
Watersheds are very important to look after. The water drains into important bodies of water. When you litter, the trash can go into areas where animals live. Animals can can eat the trash and get sick. Who would want that? There are many things you can do to help the watersheds. One thing is to pick up after your pet. You do that, so the waste doesn't go into the water. Something I learned was, is how easily watersheds can become polluted. Spreading the word can help protect these watersheds, so get out and spread the word
10/14/2016 07:06:26 am
I learned that you need to pick up trash because all of that goes into the river and ocean. It hurts are water source and it hurts all of the wild life in water. We all need to help or chip in to make sure are environment is healthy. It will only take another minute to stop and help your environment. If we all chip in the world will be brighter and save the wild life in the water.
10/14/2016 07:07:47 am
I learned that when it rains the water streams into a particular body of water. Also, a watershed gets polluted by oil leak, soil erosion, fertilizer, pesticides, waste, and litter. If we do not keep it clean it will get dirty and bad for our body.
10/14/2016 07:08:02 am
At Mr.B's Backyard we learned all about watersheds and how to take care of them. First of all, we learned that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water such a rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, etc. It is important to take care of them because things such as oil leaking, soil, animal wastes, and litter can pollute our watersheds.So, we save our watersheds by recycling, being educated, and sharing our knowledge about them. It's the small things that make a big difference.
Shelby J.
10/14/2016 07:08:37 am
The watershed lesson was very interesting I learned a lot about our watersheds. I learned how to protect it and the ways the water shed can get polluted, for example. Our water sheds can get polluted very easily. From the litter we throw on the ground to the oil leaking from our cars. When raining these things can wash up to our pipes, and travel all the way to our water shed, because of this I learned that it is very important to take care of our environment. Taking care of our environment not only helps the environment and our wildlife but, also helps us to.
10/14/2016 07:09:41 am
I learned a lot about watersheds. First, i learned what it is, and its an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. One thing i learned about them is that watersheds become polluted when there's oil leaking, soil erosion, fertilizers, pesticides, animal wastes, and litter. Another thing i learned is when it rains water goes through different bodies of water. Different ways to protect them are maintaining your vehicles, not littering, recycle, planting trees, and just being educated about them.
10/14/2016 07:10:21 am
Yesterday on October 13th 2016 I was at Mr.B's Backyard Classroom attending a watershed presentation from the Mullica River Watershed Ambassador.I learned that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water.Also I learned why it was important to protect our watersheds.We must protect them because if these species lose their home they have a greater chance of becoming extinct.This will lead to food shortages for the animals that eat these animals that are now extinct.This will lead to a domino effect of multiple extinct animals that will eventually lead to us,and that means we would lose a source of food.Overall I learned much information and I would like to attend more of these lessons.
Jaylen W
10/14/2016 07:11:06 am
I learned that a watershed is "an area of land that drains into particular body of water". It is important to take care of the watershed because animals live there and they need oxygen to survive. Not only animals need oxygen to survive humans do too. That's why it is important to keep the watershed safe.
Aaliyah F
10/14/2016 07:11:57 am
I learned that watershed is an area of land that drains in a particular body of water. The land that drains in to a particular body of water can have garbage and oils and other bad things for underwater creatures and all that will drain in to the ocean or a lake or a pond and other large bodies of water. The oil leeks, the soil, the fertilizer, the pesticide, animal waste, and garbage are all the ways that watersheds become polluted. It is important to take care of the watersheds because if not then some things can happen that is really bad. Two ways you can protect our watersheds is by not littering and maintaining things that can be bad for the watersheds. I learned a lot about watershed yesterday.
Adib Osmany
10/14/2016 07:12:14 am
I learned that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Polluted water can go into oceans ,ponds, and lakes. Water can get polluted by oil, soil, fertilizer, pesticides, animal waste, and trash. Keeping watersheds are important because it is a portent source of water and it is a home for animals in our habitat.
Roberto Valentin
10/14/2016 07:14:48 am
I know that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. I learned that watersheds can be polluted and that is not good for animals and other species. Oil leaks can pollute watersheds, soil erosion can pollute watersheds too. Fertilizer and pesticides can pollute and kill animals. Feces add bacteria and waste to the watersheds. I learned that non point source pollution cannot be tracked back, but point source pollution can be tracked. Some ways to protect watersheds and the environment it not litter, be educated about protecting watersheds, recycle, and plant more trees. We should protect Mr. B's Backyard Classroom & the Mullica River Watershed because it has a beautiful scenery, it has an ecosystem for species and other animals.
10/14/2016 07:14:56 am
I learned that the watershed is an area if water that drain's into a particular body of water. It is important to take care of it because it provides water and a home far the animals. Some ways the watershed can get polluted is by oil leaking from cars, to much soil, fertilizer, pesticide, poop, litter\garbage. To stop the watershed from polluting we can recycle and not litter.
Elijah S.
10/14/2016 07:16:29 am
I learned a lot in our outdoor Mr.B's class about water shed.One thing i leaned is really what the meaning of watershed really is. The meaning of water shed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water.This includes rivers,ponds,oceans,bays,or any other large body of water.I also learned that watershed can be polluted too!It happens by littering,soil erosion,fertilizers,pesticides,wastes from local animals,and especially from vehicles that use fuel of gases.All of these substances can lead up to animal death,loss in clean water,and environmental harm.I leaned a lot from my experience with the backyard class and i hope to learn a lot more.
10/14/2016 07:19:13 am
I learned that a watershed is a area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Some ways a watershed can be polluted by oil leaks, soil, animal waste, garbage, pesticides, and fertilizer. Some ways we can protect a watershed is by being educated about it, spreading the word about it, maintaining vehicle, and do not litter. Its important to protect a watershed because it is a important source of water to plants and animals and it serves as a habitat to others.
Savana D
10/14/2016 07:55:32 am
It was interesting to learn about watershed. We can pick up liter, recycle, and pick up after our pets o keep the Earth clean.
10/14/2016 07:56:49 am
I learned a lot about the water shed that I didn't know about. Like That a water shed is a land that drains in a body of water. And that a water shed can be polluted by many ways. Some are pesticides, soil arosion, and oil. Its also very important to take care of them because one of the watershed which is called the Mullica River Watershed is home to so many different kinds of animals, plants, and insects.
10/14/2016 07:57:31 am
The water shed and about Mr.b's helped us learn about pollution and the Mullica river watershed. It was fun to learn about to and interesting. It was interesting how we can stop the water getting polluted by picking up litter clean after pets and not littering and about fertilizer and how it pollutes.
10/14/2016 08:00:16 am
Watersheds are areas of land that drains into a particular body of water. When it rains, water goes into oceans, streams, ground water, bays, ditches and sewers. It is important to keep the watersheds clean so that animals don'd die when they drink or use the water. There are many ways to help our watershed environment and there are many ways to destroy it. The ways watersheds become polluted are; soil erosion, pesticide, fertilizer, oil or car liquids, animal waste and litter. The ways we can help the watershed environment are; pick up litter, make a ditch, pick up after your pet, maintain your cars, use eco-friendly products,recycle, plant trees, spread the word of water pollution and community work.
Jayden B.
10/14/2016 08:01:43 am
the water shed was really interesting it showed how we live life when water comes into towns or city's its crazy how much pollution gets into our water. There is pipes that run under the street in front of our school all the way to the mullica river from Mr.B's. it drains all the bad stuff in mr. B's.We also learned that when youre cars leak it also can pollute the water. The big message is that try to keep the water clean!!!!!!!
10/14/2016 08:03:31 am
at Mr.B's backyard i learned that when it rains the rain goes to the streams to the ocean
10/14/2016 08:04:18 am
I learned that all types of thing go into watersheds.For example,animal waste,fertilizer,oil etc.Its important to take care of the watershed because we go swimming in some of the watersheds.For example,oceans,lakes,.And some might go fishing in some places were its dirty.For example,bays,rivers.
10/14/2016 08:04:39 am
What I learned about watersheds was it can be polluted by soil erosion, pesticides, fertilizer, oil, animal waste, and litter those are just somethings that can pollute watersheds. It is important to take care of them because when we saw the presentation all the water after we were done was grows looking and it smelled nasty. We must keep the watersheds clear or are rivers, oceans, bays, steams, lakes are going to be all dirty, smelly and nasty looking.
Sajjad Haider
10/14/2016 08:04:56 am
It is important because watershed helps an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas so they don't get polluted.I learned that it makes bay rivers etc not to get pollouted
Caitlyn LeBlanc
10/14/2016 08:06:08 am
Yesterday I learned that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Watersheds become polluted. They get polluted with soil erosion, pesticides, fertilizers, oil, animal waste, and litter. We can protect watershed by maintaining cars, picking up litter, recycling, education, stop littering, and clean up. Mr. B's is a part of the Mullica River Watershed because, it drains into the Mullica River Watershed. We should protect Mr. B's Backyard Classroom and the Mullica River Watershed. We want to protect it because, we want to protect the bugs and animals.
Madison w
10/14/2016 08:06:29 am
I learned that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. It's important to take care of them because animals drink and live in them. We have to be careful and make sure they don't become polluted. Ways to protect watersheds are to pick up litter, recycle, community work, and pick up after your pets. If we don't pick up and all that stuff them it will all go into the ocean, streams, lakes, rivers, and many more. Pesticides, fertilizer, oil, animal waste, litter and erosion can make watersheds become polluted so its a good idea to pick up all that stuff.
Gelasia Nurse
10/14/2016 08:06:29 am
Based on what I read a watershed is a area of land that drains into a perticular body of water. Th e water can go to storm drains, rivers, oceans, and to the bay. Ways watersheds can become polluted is by soil errotion, oil, pestacides, animal waste, fertalizer, and liter. A nonpoint source is pollution that cannot be tracked, and a point source is pollution that can be tracked. Some of the ways we can keep our watersheds protected are clean,pick up after your animals, maintain your car, use echo friendly product, recycle, and plant trees. Do you know what retention and detention is? Retention is a permint body of water. Detention is not a permint body of water. Our water is also connected to the Mullica River Watershed. We should always protect watersheds cause they are important to our society.So in conclusion that,s what i learned about watersheds.
10/14/2016 08:07:09 am
Watersheds are area's of land that drains into a particular body of water. Also the watersheds, we have a polluted. The Watershed is polluted by Oils,Liter,Fertilizer,Soil Erosion and more. It is very important to take care of our Watershed because, there're other organisms we need to survive. If our watersheds are always polluted it can be very harmful to the organisms. These organisms help us with our everyday lives. They are very important to Earth. The polluted water is never good for the environment, though. That is why we should try to be more respectful and responsible and care for our watersheds.
10/14/2016 08:07:41 am
Water sheds are very interesting. I learned many different things about water sheds. For example I learned that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Did you know when it rains the water goes into the ocean, rivers, groundwater and storm drains. Also I learned about many different types of litters. For example theirs trash on the ground known as soda cans, rappers and many more. The water shed becomes polluted by soil erosion, pesticides, fertilizers, oil , animal waste and litter. Its important to take care of them because its our earth and its home to many different animals and bugs. I learned a lot about watersheds.
Jonathan J
10/14/2016 08:10:50 am
I learned about the watershed is that it is a area of lands. It has drains and particular water. We need to protect it because so no dirty things will get in the ocean,lake/pond, and rivers
10/14/2016 08:11:21 am
I learned a lot on about watersheds on our visit to Mr.B's. One thing I learned was six different ways on how the watershed can be polluted like by litter, animal waste, and even soil erosion. We also learned about the retention and detention basins. Lastly we learned what a watershed is and how we can protect it. I think we should protect places like Mr.B's and the Mullica River Watershed because there are many species living in and around them and if it gets polluted all those animals are going to die. In conclusion I think what I learned was interesting and helpful and I hope we go back to Mr.B's soon.
10/14/2016 08:11:35 am
l learned that watersheds get very cluttered with things like soil erosion, Pesticides, Fertilizer, Oil, Animal waste, and litter.
10/14/2016 08:12:51 am
While i was at Mrs B's backyard i leaned about how and other things are affecting earth's water and all the things that do affect it like oil,litter.animal waist, fertilizer and much other things. Most people stand by and watch when we could actually help by, picking up litter, stop littering, maintain your car, and clean up after your animals. that just a few things we can do help our earth water system.
10/14/2016 08:15:08 am
It effect wild life greatly especially water creatures because the waste that we are leaving are ending up in the ocean killing the poor helpless creatures. what learned was that many kind of pollution like fertilizer and pesticides are going in to water killing animals in it.therefore we need to clean up after our waste as much as we can to this problem doesn't get any more serious than it already is at the moment. its a huge problem for the Mullica river and other places.
10/14/2016 08:15:28 am
At Mr.b's backyard I learned a lot.I learned about soical erotion,pesticides,fertilizers,oil,animal waste,and litter.We also learned about non point pollution can't be tracked and point source pollution can be tracked.When it rains the rain goes into ponds,the ground,soil,ocean,sea,river,lake,bay,and storm drains.
10/14/2016 08:17:02 am
I learned all about watershed.You don't want oil,animal waste,litter,petisides ,soil arosion and Ferdilizer.
Makayla Edwards
10/14/2016 08:34:24 am
I learned that a watershed is an area of lands that drains into a particular body of water. Also I didn't know that is goes into the Mullica River Watershed, and provides it a supply of water.
10/14/2016 08:42:22 am
A watershed is a area of land that drains into a particular body of water.It is important to take care of watersheds because when it rains it goes to oceans,lakes,rivers,streams,ground water,and the bay which have a lot of wildlife in these body´s of water and plant life in these body´s of water.You can prevent pollution from happening if you see trash pick it up and put it in the trash can and make sure you maintain your vehicles and make sure their not leaking oil.You can also use all natural pesticides and pick up animal waste you can even plant trees to keep the soil together.So in my conclusions this is why watersheds are important in animals and humans life´s.
Hassan B
10/14/2016 08:42:57 am
I learned a lot of things from the water shed presentation. Like oil leaks from vehicles are pollution. Watersheds can be polluted from animal waste and fertilizers they could kill the animal because fertilizers are poison to them. also I did not know that the lake was a retention basin.
10/14/2016 08:44:01 am
I learned many things about watersheds. One thing I leaned about watersheds are, oil leaking from any type of transportation can pollute watersheds. The reason why we should take great care watersheds is watersheds protect wildlife, protect the environment, and keeps the water clean for us humans. Watersheds are very important to our environment.
10/14/2016 08:44:19 am
What I Learned at Mr.Bees back yard classroom is that pollution from cars boats animals dirt and many more things cause the water sheds get polluted in the water oil fertilizers pesticides animal waste litter are all sources of pollution to the water shed in Mr.Bees back yard classroom or any other bodies of water in the area. It is important to take of them because they provide things to our eco system the animals and plants are and important part of our survival system. PS our watershed instuctor was great.
Dylan S
10/14/2016 08:45:21 am
What I learned about the water sheds in Mr.B's is a water shed is a area of land that drains into a particular part of water. When it rains the water goes to oceans, bays, streams, lakes,and ground water. Some ways the water sheds are polluted are soil erosion, liter, fertilizer,pesticides,oil,and animal waste.Some ways we can protect our water shed is pick up liter,recycle,make sure our cars are repaired,pick up animal wastes,`plant trees and have a garden. So in conclusion I know that water sheds are very important and help us in many ways.
10/14/2016 08:45:35 am
i learned a lot on Thursday. it is true what the lady said about us and making polution to the water.
10/14/2016 08:47:22 am
A water shed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. When it rains the water goes in the oceans, lake river, streams, underground and in bays. We learned the ways in which the watershed gets polluted. They get polluted by soil erosion, pesticides, oil leaking from vehicles, animal wastes, fertilizers and litter. We can protect the watersheds from being polluted by recycling, clean-ups, maintain the cars, pick up animal wastes, try not to pollute them, we should use natural resources that do not pollute the water shed and plant trees.
Abbigail Sibley
10/14/2016 08:48:05 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. The water goes into the lakes,rivers,watershed,ocean,streams,ground water,bays and creeks. Some watersheds are polluted by soil erosion,oil leaks,pesticides,fertilizer,animal waste, and litter. Non point pollution is a type of pollution that cannot be tracked to the source. Point source pollution is a type of pollution that can be tracked to the source. We can protect our watersheds by, recycling,clean-ups,maintaining cars,pickup animal waste,all natural pesticides, plant trees and gardens. There are two types of basins in Mr. B's do you know what they are? They are the Detention and Retention basins. The detention basin holds water temporarily. The retention basin permanently holds the water. Mr. B's Backyard Classroom provides water for the Mullica River Watershed. Some of the water drains through the pipes to Mullica and some goes to the ground. We should protect Mr. B's and the Mullica River Watershed because of the animals, so we can still swim in the ocean, and it won't be beautiful around anymore.
Christian R
10/14/2016 08:48:33 am
A couple of things that I learned from the watershed presentation is that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Also, when is rain all of the water go to rivers, oceans, lakes, ground water, and they bay. Some way's that a watershed can be polluted are from soil erosion, oil leaks from vehicles, fertilizer, pesticides, and animal waste. These are some of the things that I learned from the watershed presentation.
10/14/2016 08:49:41 am
The things i learned about the watersheds are is that watersheds are an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. The water when it rains goes into many different places for example, the ocean, a lake, sewers, rivers, groundwater, and the bay. Some ways that the watershed gets polluted are, soil/erosion, oil leaks from vehicles, fertilizer, pesticides, waste from animals, and litter. Some ways that we can protect the watershed is to, pick up litter, stop pollution, recycle, plant trees/plants, maintain vehicles, pick up waste, use all natural substances. We should protect Mr. Bs backyard classroom and the mullica river water shed because it protects wild life, protects society, protect habitat, protects the environment, protects water, protects insects.
10/14/2016 09:54:51 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Mr.B's Backyard Classroom is a habitat for a handful of wildlife. Mr.B helps the environment and it's living things. Since if we don't protect it soil erosion, waste, pesticides, litter, oil, and fertilizer which leads to the ocean. When it mixes with the ocean we go to the beach and are gonna play in that same dirty water. Watersheds are important to the environment and we need to work extremely hard to protect the environment and ourselves.
10/14/2016 09:57:34 am
A watershed is a area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Those body's of water can be a river, lake, pond, streams, oceans, creeks or a bay. It is important to take care of watersheds because the stuff we put into the watersheds like soil pesticides and litter will go into the ocean and harm the plants and animals.
Dean Winkworth
10/14/2016 09:58:11 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains to a particular body of water. Watersheds help the environment by giving a lot of things water. We should always try to preserve and protect watersheds for humans and animals.
10/14/2016 09:59:08 am
A watershed is a area of land that drains into a particular body of water. For example, Mr.B's backyard classroom is connected through pipes to the Mullica River Watershed. We should take care of watersheds because they are animal habitats, they are helpful to our environment, and fish and birds won't have food.
10/14/2016 09:59:15 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. It is important to take care of our watersheds because the animals that live near watersheds claim that spot as their habitat. Harming animals is not a good thing to do! Also, it is the right and sensible thing to do to keep our Earth beautiful and lively. If our Earth gets polluted, then what is the point of calling our planet Earth, if our water is polluted and animals are dying in murky waters? We wouldn't want that, would we? This is why we should protect watersheds and our own, the Mulica River watershed and Mr.B's backyard classroom's detention basin since that basin drains water into streams that lead to the Mulica River Watershed.
10/14/2016 09:59:21 am
I learned that a watershed is an Area of land that drains into a particular body of water. The water in the watershed goes into various streams, oceans,rivers,ponds,lakes ect... i learned that taking care of the watersheds are important because, we could keep the animals safe and it would be helpful for our environment.
10/14/2016 10:00:21 am
I learned a whole lot yesterday about the Mullica River. There are many reasons we should protect the Mullica river. For one thing there are many different fish that need homes that live in there. If we dont keep the mullica river cleaned they all cant survive. Thats why we have to keep the mullica river cleaned.
10/14/2016 10:00:30 am
I learned a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. It leads into things such as ponds, rivers, bays, and then into the ocean. Sadly, I also learned they are often polluted from things like oil, fertilizer, soil erosion, or pestasides. It is important to take care of our watersheds because it will end up traveling and most likely effecting the water we drink. It can also effect the animals and plants who've made the polluted area their home. But, we can clean it up. By little things such as not littering, carpooling, going to clean ups, or even educating ourselves we reduce the amount of pollution.
10/14/2016 10:00:41 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Mr B's backyard is part of the Mullica River Watershed. It gets very polluted so the water becomes disgusting and kills fish. So we need to stop littering and polluting to have clean water and keep the animals safe.
Jenna S
10/14/2016 10:01:04 am
I learned that the watershed was very dirty and disgusting.
10/14/2016 10:01:20 am
I learned many things about watersheds. One thing I learned is that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. I also learned that they can be polluted in several different ways such as litter, pesticides, and soil erosion. We also can protect our watersheds in many ways, for example, we can carpool and recycle. Lastly, it is important to protect our watershed because it is home to several species.
Will B.
10/14/2016 10:01:27 am
Yesterday in Mr. B's Backyard Classroom, we heard a presentation from Aysia Gandy, watershed ambassador for the Mullica River Watershed about the importance of keeping it clean and safe. We learned about point source pollution, pollution that can be tracked to a cause, and non-point source pollution, that cannot. Some kinds of pollution are oils spills, soil erosion, pesticides, litter, and plant fertilizer. These things are washed into the lakes and streams and can infect and kill plants an wildlife that reside there.
10/14/2016 10:01:42 am
Watersheds are very important. It helps everyone. People use it for water, food, and entertainment. But if we don't keep it clean, we can't do any of that. It gets very polluted and that causes fish and plants to die. We need to stop littering and start cleaning up. planting trees will make soil stay together and stops the chance of pollution. Watersheds are very important to everything.
10/14/2016 10:02:43 am
What I learned about watersheds, are that watershed are an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. I also learned that there are point source pollution and non point sources pollution. A point source pollution are pollution that can me tracked back to the source such as a pipe breaks at a factor and oil spills in a river they can trace it back to the factor. A non point source pollution is pollution that can not be tracked like poop , litter, ext. We should take care of watershed because this is the water that we are drinking and it is beautiful.
10/14/2016 10:03:14 am
I learned It is very important to take care of water sheds. If you don't know, a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. Mr. B's is part of the Mullica river because they are connected by pipes.There are 2 types of pollution, point and nonpoint pollution. Nonpoint pollution is pollution that cant be tracked such as oil and pesticides. Point source pollution is pollution that will can be tracked such as litter. when it rains all of this will be washed into bodies of water such as the ocean, lakes, and streams. The water will become gross and the plants and animals will die. You could stop this if you don't litter, Make sure your car isn't leaking any oils, and planting more trees. PLEASE stop polluting and ruining our environment, innocent fish and plants are dying because of it.
10/14/2016 10:04:46 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. I learned a lot about watersheds. One thing I learned was that watersheds can be protected by recycling, picking trash up off the ground, planting trees. It is important to know this so you can help our watersheds and protect them.
10/14/2016 10:07:04 am
we learned a lot of stuff about watersheds when the speaker was her. we learned about what watersheds are, point and nonpoint pollution, ways watersheds can be polluted, and where rain goes. it is important to keep watersheds clean because they are habitats for animals and plants.
10/14/2016 10:07:43 am
watersheds are areas of land that drains into a particular body of water. Reasons why we should protect watersheds is because it is a habitat for plants and animals
Jenna S
10/14/2016 10:08:25 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. There are many ways that a watershed gets polluted, such as fertilizer. We should protect the watersheds because it helps the environment and the animals that live near, or in it.
10/14/2016 10:08:43 am
I earned a lot about watershed i learned that a watershed is an area of lad that drains into a particular body of water. and that rain goes into lakes, streams, river, ocean,and int the ground. The watershed is getting polluted and its not good because of pesticide and oil so we need to keep watershed clean so we have clean water
10/14/2016 10:11:17 am
i learned that a watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water.Its important to take care of a watershed because you need to keep it clean for the resources around the water shed.You can help protect the watershed by recycling, picking up litter, going to beach clean ups, and community clean ups,ect.
Jenna C.
10/14/2016 10:11:41 am
Learning about watersheds was a great learning experience. A watershed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. I learned that watersheds can become polluted. Soil erosion creates cloudy water and doesn't let the sun light hit the plants. Pesticides kill fish and plants in the water. Fertilizer, oil, animal waste, and litter, all harm plants and animals. These types of pollution are nonpoint and point source pollution. Nonpoint source pollution is pollution that can not be tracked and point source pollution is pollution that can be tracked back to the source. It is important to protect and take care of watersheds. We can protect the plants and animals living in or around them by not littering, picking up animal waste, planting trees to keep the soil on the ground, recycling, and educating other people about watersheds. The Mullica River Watershed needs to be protected and cared for, along with all of the others. We need to care and protect watersheds because they are habitats to living animals and plants. They are also helpful to the environment and if they become polluted, it could kill the animals and plants that live in the watersheds. Learning about watersheds is something that many people should learn about.
10/14/2016 10:12:18 am
Watersheds are very important for a number of reasons,first reason there an area of land that DRAINS into a particular body of water but you need to also take care of the watersheds because the following things can damage it.. fertilizer,pestasite,litter/trash and oil these things can damage the watershed.
10/14/2016 10:12:41 am
I learned that the watersheds are body of water and its important to take care of it because it keep the water clean and if its not clean it can harm and kill animals and people.
10/14/2016 10:14:43 am
I learned that the Mullica River Watershed can easily become polluted by pesticides, animal waste, and more if people aren't cautious about what they do. It is important to protect it because if not then the water will become polluted and harm the habitats in the water.
Livia P
10/14/2016 10:15:32 am
I had no clue of what a watershed was until I went to Mr. B's yesterday. A water shed is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. It's important to take care of the watersheds because it is a home to many animals and provides food for them. It also is good for the environment
Jack Domschine
10/14/2016 10:16:45 am
Watersheds are vital to the environment. They're areas of land that drains into a particular body of water. We should protect them because it's a home to plant life and animals. This is why we should protect the watersheds.
10/14/2016 10:18:02 am
I learned a lot at the watershed presentation in Mr. B's, such as different pollution. To start off I learned what a watershed is. It is an area of land that drains into a particular body of water. We also learned that water will empty into streams, groundwater, rivers, lakes, ponds, oceans, and creeks. The watershed can become polluted by soil erosion, fertilizers, pesticides, oil, waste, and litter (such as plastic and paper). We were also told the different types of pollution, point source and non-point source. Some, suggested ways to protect our watersheds are to not litter, don't overuse pesticides, recycle, pick and clean up litter, and to plant trees so they grab onto the soil to prevent and limit soil erosion. The water in Mr. B's will also go through pipes and pour into the Mullica River. Overall, we must remember to keep our environment clean, as all kinds of polluted water will affect us all.
10/14/2016 10:20:20 am
I learned a lot yesterday. I learned that wast can contaminate the water. I also learned that there two kind of pollution.It is important to keep them safe is they consist of our drinking water.
10/14/2016 10:24:10 am
Watershed is a area of land that Drain in a particular body of water why it is so important to take care of it is because the watershed is connected to all steams,rivers,ponds,lake,ocean sheds,and even our whole Atlantic Ocean which is a major part of our life and we need to keep it clean in order for us to use it in our every day lives. but water get filled with tons of trash like oil,liter,pesticides,fertilizers,and all different types of soil...and that only a small part of that runs thought our water sheds but we can keep it save by helping in community service.
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