Julie N
10/26/2014 11:47:06 pm
Some changes I noticed this fall are the leaves and lack of activity at Mr.B's. The leaves have turned different shades of yellow,orange, and even red. A lot of the leaves are shriveled and on the ground. The activity in the backyard classroom has also lacked by a bit. The first time we went there, there were ducks,dragonflies, some flowers, bugs, and even some toads. Now I don't see any!
Jada E
10/27/2014 12:33:44 am
The thing that I mostly noticed is the leaves have changed their color from green to red and orange and all those good colors. The bushes have got cut short so there not sticking out like they were when we visited in the beginning of the year.
10/27/2014 12:36:06 am
I saw some really cutie leaves i never knew existed like pinkish red, greenish orange, and my fav red/ pinkish. And I've also was surprised to see different types of leaves and mushrooms so i would say Mr.bs lab is so cool
Mark F
10/27/2014 12:38:03 am
Change that I have notice was the change in the leaves colors.And that all the animals are know starting to leave the area.
10/27/2014 12:40:55 am
I noticed various changes now that fall is here. One is that there is less bugs now. During the beginning of the year, there were mosquitoes flying everywhere. Now there's barely anything. Another change that I noticed is that there are more mushrooms. Last time I was out there, it was bare. All of a sudden, colorful mushrooms start popping out of the ground.
10/27/2014 12:41:22 am
I noticed a lot of changes from last time and this time I visited Mr. Bees. The leaves where changing and all the animals went away for the winter. I thought the mushroom where surprising because how many there where and how they where all over and how they where all different sizes.
James R
10/27/2014 01:29:50 am
Mushrooms surprised me they were all different colors and sizes.
10/27/2014 02:07:43 am
I see the leaves on most trees different colors like red ,yellow,some green, and maybe purple. Also lots of birds are migrating south and its getting colder.colder. That is the changes in fall!
10/27/2014 02:58:03 am
The white ducks in the lake near the benches.
10/27/2014 05:29:15 am
Some notices that I saw since fall is here is that the leaves changed into different colors (red, orange, and brown). There were a lot of large mushrooms.The mushrooms had circles on top of the mushrooms. There were small and big circles. Something that surprised were the mushrooms. Another thing that surprised me were the spider webs. The spider webs were long, enormous, and sketchy.
10/27/2014 05:42:56 am
There was a change of colors with the leaves. There was red, yellow and orange leaves. What surprised me the most was how there are still alot of animals still in the surface. I thought all of the animals were getting ready to hibernate until spring or at least went south, but no the animals were still up and running.
10/27/2014 05:53:50 am
There were many changes the second time we went to Mr.B's this year than the first time we went. The weather was more chilly and windy. A change that I noticed was that there were different colored trees. They changed color really fast. Something that surprised me was the amount of mushrooms there were. They were all different sizes, colors, shapes, and designs. They really stood out to me.
Madison B
10/27/2014 06:25:03 am
In the fall the leaves changed from green to red orange and yellow. There were more mushrooms growing. A thing that surprised me was how the plants were brown. I know near the winter leaves turn brown. It just turned fall so I didn't expect plants to be brown now.
10/27/2014 06:30:09 am
I think that Mr.B's is a really amazing place to go. It has so much nature in it and the changes during Fall are really fun to look at. Also, it is a good place to observe if you really want to know what happens during the fall. Mr.B's is amazing!
10/27/2014 08:02:36 am
All the leaves were different colors. In the beginning of school all the leaves were green. All the leaves have changed there color, and eventually they will fall off there tree.
Dakota P
10/27/2014 08:23:20 am
What I noticed in the fall changes was the leaves were already starting to change color and the grass was also starting to become dead. Also I saw that some wild mushrooms are starting to grow.
Tobie Ikner
10/27/2014 08:25:01 am
The changes in fall really amaze me from changing the scenery to amazing to even more amazing! The colors in the tree's leaves are breath taking with its orange and red and all sorts of colors. What really surprised me is how many wildlife is living there. It's like a home part hotel for lost animals that need a home.
Logan H
10/27/2014 08:29:04 am
On my trip to Mr. B's Backyard, I noticed many changes in the environment due to the fall season coming around. One huge change I noticed was the leaves changing colors and the leaves falling off the trees. Another change I noticed was there wasn't as many animals out there. None of these changes suprised me.
10/27/2014 08:32:41 am
I notasied that the leaves chafed color form green to orange yellow and red.It changed because the the tree could not suplie it nutrient so the green pimento dined of sand so forth.Soe of the bird we saw last time weren't there.
10/27/2014 08:34:44 am
The changes that i noticed that fall is here is how the leaves changed. The one thing that surprised me was how many mushrooms were growing.
Albert M
10/27/2014 08:38:27 am
There are many changes in Mr.B's backyard now that fall is here. There is less insects and wildlife in the area. I also noticed that all the leaves are changing colors from green to orange, red, or yellow. The temperature is also getting colder from the low 70's to the high 50's. What surprised me is that there was i think some water snake jumping and swimming fast in the water.
10/27/2014 08:42:43 am
In Autumn, Mr. B's classroom was a completely different experience. While still maintaining a diverse feel, many things were drastically different from when we first went out. There were more birds out there which was definitely a sight to see. Also, the color of the leaves was quite something. It kind of reminded me of one of the Hallmark cards scenes. Even the fact that we had found mushrooms that I have never seen before. That was very exciting to go looking for. It was really fun when all of my friends started to try and find the mushroom with the most of it's kind. We found that the mushroom with the orange color to it took the trophy. I am really looking forward to trying and making a new discovery out there as the year goes on.
Grace V.
10/27/2014 08:58:48 am
Now that fall is here, you can see many changes in Mr.B's back yard. More mushrooms like the puffball and Amanita flavoconia mushrooms are growing,or more noticeable in fall. Tadpoles are darting around in the pond,and the most notable change- the leaves are turning. The leaves here in Mr.B's transform into yellows and reds and oranges. It's really a sight to behold.
10/27/2014 09:00:07 am
In the fall the leaves change color because of the coldness and lack of sun light. Also in the fall it gets colder because of the earth's axis. The changes in the leaves are pretty cool. they go from a bright green to a dark brown so fast.
10/27/2014 09:15:13 am
I seemed to notice that every thing that was bushy and overgrown in the Summer is now dead in the pathway. This includes everything else as well. Is this a nice change?? Being a fall person yeah, at least I guess it is. Something that surprised me was the huge snake holes that still stand there in the same spot for 2 months strait.
10/27/2014 10:20:28 am
When me and my class went to Mr. B's backyard in the fall, we noticed many changes. One thing that we all noticed was how the leaves on the trees changed colors. I think they change colors because of how much energy each leave receives. Another thing that we noticed was how there wasnt as much birds as the first time we went. I think this is because its migrating season for most animals. Mr. B's is full of fun things to learn and has many cool things to look at. If you have the time, you should visit this amazing place.
krisha P
10/27/2014 10:51:43 am
I have notice that fall is and now that the leaves are changing.I also notice that it is getting cooled and the birds are migrating to the south.
Michelle T
10/27/2014 11:51:10 am
Fall has arrived at Mr. B's, and there are many autumn changes. The leaves are beginning to change to shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown. Some leaves are falling off tree branches. The plants near the pond are beginning to dry up. Some birds seem to be traveling south for their migration. The temperature is decreasing and it feels chillier outside than during the summer. I was surprised that there were still bugs and tadpoles in the water. I believed that they would all be gone by this time of the year. There were also some dragonflies and mushrooms, which I expected to see during the summer.
10/27/2014 12:04:55 pm
The second time I went to Mr. B's backyard was different. Different as in our surroundings. The trees have been different. The fire leafs were amazing. Although they were falling off, they look beautiful. I also saw very little animals. I saw one or two frogs but I saw many birds heading south. Migration. On the ground were many mushrooms. Different types of mushroom, such as white buttons, portobello, shiitake, cremini, enoki, brunnescens, flavocovio, frostiona, puff balls, and many more. The air was cooler and the water too. The fall was very different then the first time I went in.
10/27/2014 09:25:26 pm
Something that I noticed that changed was the color of the leaves. Also the cat tails have lost there tops since the summer. Something that suprised me was the red mushrooms that had grown outside the gate!
Louis Wright
10/27/2014 09:50:29 pm
It was cool how different the leaves got in just a month. It was also interesting how the cattails started to go away.
10/28/2014 05:15:20 am
What changes I noticed going into October from September was mostly the difference in the trees. The leaves have changed colors from green, to yellow, brown, and red. Also a lot of the leaves have fallen off the trees. In September the weather was not to warm and not to cold, I didn't need a sweatshirt, and it wasn't really windy. Last time I went to Mr.B's classroom, in October, It was a little colder, a little windier, and I need a sweatshirt. What Surprised me the most was the difference in animals and insects that were out in September and October. In September a bunch of animals and insects were out such as, dragonflies, lady bugs, squirrels, bees, and a bunch of birds. The animals out in October were, bees, birds, and squirrels. A bunch has changed.
Aryan C
10/28/2014 05:26:07 am
In Mr.B's backyard classroom there were many things that surprised me. One of wich was how many different types of bugs where their. I saw ladybugs,bees,and even some house flys. But the ting that surprised me the most was the snake skin. I didn't even know that there were wild snakes around Mr.b's. That was one experience I will never forget.
Nathan C
10/28/2014 08:11:52 am
There were a couple changes that I noticed on this visit to Mr. B's backyard. One thing that I noticed was the change in the color leaves. Leaves change color because the amount of daylight in each day leaves stop their food process and lose the green color.
10/28/2014 08:48:00 am
My second time going to Mr.B's backyard in the fall there was some changes that I noticed. Almost all the leaves on the trees change colors.They were yellow,orange, and red. Another thing I noticed was that there was lots of mushrooms that grow and many different plants. I think it is really cool how me got to see the changing in nature take place right at our school.
10/28/2014 08:59:45 am
The changes that I noticed in Mr.B's, most noticeably, were the altered colors of the leaves. I also noticed that not many insects were out. I only saw one or two dragon flies. In addition, I noticed that life in general, seemed to be in hiding. The true beauty of the Autumn leaves were not lost on me. It was absolutely remarkable!
Samantha A
10/28/2014 09:45:53 am
Outside in Mr.B's there were many fall changes. The leaves are changing to yellows, reds, and oranges. Also, there are still some birds flying around, making noise, and splashing in the water to catch tadpoles, and tiny fish. Finally, it was calm and quiet. What suprized me the most is that there wasn't much noise or action. You would expect birds flying around getting ready to head south. Then, there was one monarch butterfly drinking nectar from a dandelion.
10/28/2014 09:51:40 pm
I was surprised hot fast fall came! There were a lot different changes such as the leaves changing colors but less animals. The visits were awesome so far and in the feature im sure well will be there again and it will be cool.
Mikey D
10/28/2014 09:53:54 pm
The biggest fall change I saw is the color of the leaves. They were red, orange, and brown. There were also many mushrooms. Some were big, small, round, and flat. Those are the fall changes I noticed in Mr. B's backyard.
10/29/2014 01:16:11 am
The thing i notice was the leaves was falling and it has change from green to red. it was surpising that it change color ever year.
10/29/2014 01:16:32 am
What I noticed different about the environment now that fall is here is that the leaves were everywhere, the leaves were all types of beautiful colors and it seemed more lively. For example there was a lot of different sounds than before.
Brenden H
10/29/2014 01:28:40 am
What surprised me was that the birds were chirping and singing loud and proud. Also the leaves changed color and are falling quickly.
10/29/2014 02:50:42 am
I have notice that the trees leaves are turning different colors as in yellow red and orange and there is a lot of mushrooms i mean that is the most thing that surprised me the most out of all the thing there
10/29/2014 02:51:53 am
I noticed that there were allot of mushrooms.There were small,large ,round ,oval ,and speckled mushrooms.They were every where.This was a very cool experience to see so many different kinds of mushrooms all at one time.
10/29/2014 03:00:00 am
When I went to Mr. B's in the fall I had a great time. That was my favorite time so far. The trees were so beautiful with many colors. the different kings of birds were really surprising
10/29/2014 03:00:46 am
the leaves have gone from a lite brown to a beautiful rainbow everyday i go out side i always notice leaves falling from the tree also what surprised me was how fast the leaves changed color it like a day that day i went out to mr.b was the best day ever it was the perfect weather
Nicole B.
10/29/2014 03:01:28 am
While I went to mr.b's in the fall i saw a difference in the leaves . What surprised me the most was their was lots of birds and more frogs then in the spring
10/29/2014 04:57:46 am
MR.bee’s backyard it is amazing .My favorite part about it is the animal’s the tadpole frog’s bird’s and the snake’s so many little creature’s. MR.bee’s backyard is so cool you’ll want to stay there for like ever it’s so fascinating . I think that MR.bee's backyard classroom is like a small get together to see so many things that you can’t see outside or inside like how pounds well sometimes you can't see thing’s in the pound like the fish and all those tadpole’s because their hiding so you have people come and get them show you and put them back in some people take them and never put them back well MR..bee's backyard is here to show what these cute little creature’s can do for a living instead of just swimming or just flying you know coming to MR.bee's backyard is like getting an opportunity to see life greatly.
Gracie H
10/29/2014 07:30:08 am
Now that fall is here, I have noticed many changes towards nature. I noticed that the leaves were rapidly changing colors. On my first visit to Mr.B's, most of the leaves were either green or brown. Now, the leaves are an assortment of greens, yellows, reds, browns, and oranges. I also saw many holes in the ground. I didn't think that I was likely to see groundhog holes outside in early October, but there were various sized holes inside Mr.B's Backyard Classroom. Finally, I noticed the mushrooms. There were more than in September, and they varied in color. I saw many changes at Mr.B's on this visit, all sure signs of a fast-approaching fall season.
Kiley H.
10/29/2014 07:49:18 am
In the fall Mr.B's Backyard classroom has lots of changes. The leaves are red, orange, and yellow, Their are flowers, and pine cones acorns on the ground. The surprising thing was that there lot of mushroom species. The mushrooms were growing in clusters.
10/29/2014 08:19:56 am
The things that surprised me about the change in Mr. B's Backyard is that the water level seemed to stay the same. Last year when I went, the water level was the same. I also wonder how it was built and if the people who built it used rain water and let it fill it up, or regular water.
Priya P
10/29/2014 09:48:58 am
Fall is my favorite season and the changes that happen make it even better.One change I had notices is that the color of the leaves changed sooner than it was supposed to, not that its a bad thing. Another thing I noticed is all the leaves falling it was a pretty sight although all the leaves will soon start to peel off from the trees.Other things I noticed was the sound of the ripples in the pond from the wind flowing in very rapidly.My year has started with a great time at Mr.B's and I look forward to come out here more during warmer weather.
10/29/2014 11:11:01 am
The changes that I noticed now that fall is here is the leaves. The leaves changed all different colors like green, yellow, orange, and red. Also the weather got a lot cooler since september. Not only that, the leaves were falling off their trees. Something that surprised me was all the mushrooms. There were so many mushrooms. There could've been about twenty- five around Mr.B's , and the mushrooms were pretty big too.
Aaron A
10/29/2014 12:19:51 pm
In my fall visit to Mr.B's a lot of things changed. Some of the things that changed were the trees, some got more dull while others changed from green to red or yellow. There was less life in the ponds.
10/29/2014 09:45:18 pm
All the leaves were different colors. In the begging of the year they were all green. Eventually, they will all fall off.
10/29/2014 09:53:58 pm
the MR.B's program is great. It was amazing to see all of the different creatures. The most fun part to me was seeing the water waste diagram.
Kasandra Gras
10/30/2014 01:15:52 am
My first visit to Mr.B's backyard it was beautiful. I didn't expect it to be so awesome. I loved the pond and the little dock so nice and calm, I saw tadpoles. When I walked down the paths I saw a snake and a ground hog hole, which was really cool because ive never seen a snake or ground hog hole so its was pretty cool. So Mr.B's was a first great experience.
Kasandra Gras
10/30/2014 01:24:27 am
The fall colors change in the so beautiful! I love how the leaves change color there so cool and pretty. Of course its getting colder out and I don't like that. Also the leaves fall of the trees and they look so bare. All the animals are going to warmer places. Other then that I didn't notice much change.
Zack F
10/30/2014 05:13:11 am
Some changes that I saw were that almost all of the trees had red, orange, yellow, or brown colored leaves. Another change is that some of the trees had no leaves. Something that surprised me was that there were a lot of mushrooms. Most of the mushrooms were either yellow or brown and soft.
10/30/2014 06:02:01 am
The color of the leaves changed from green to yellow,red, and brown.I didn't see any birds or snakes neither frogs.The only living creature I saw a fuzzy caterpillar on a branch.I didn't touch it because I could of knocked it off the branch.I saw plants die like cattails and other wild flowers around that area.When we did a heat transfer experiment with the parking lot,the ground, and water was I saw the temperature of the water in the morning was 19.2 degrees Celsius and in the afternoon the temperature was 24 degrees Celsius.Today it might be lower than 19.2 degrees Celsius,maybe around 12 degrees Celsius.I also saw more mushrooms than when we first went out to Mr.B's this year.What surprised me was that the grass didn't look as green.
10/30/2014 06:31:53 am
How I knew that fall was coming is that the leaves changed color and the snakes and rabbits went on hibernation or something like that. They went back into their holes and don't come out. The different varieties of flowers made me curious and made me wonder what they can be used for and what their origin was. My teacher told me this Indian quote on how to see different animals and wildlife: "Move much, see little; Move little, see much". This means that if you run a lot, then the snakes and rabbits will hear your foot steps and will scatter into their holes. If you don't move a lot, then the snakes and rabbits wont hear you're footsteps and won't know you're looking at them.
Meghan Casey
10/30/2014 08:31:18 am
Things I noticed about the fall and the changes in Mr. B's backyard was that the leaves changed color and became different shads of red, orange, and yellow. Also, not as many animals were around. A lot less than last time we were there.
William C.
10/30/2014 09:06:09 am
A fall change that I saw was the color of the leaves. Most of them were a light red or a dark brown. And there was a lot of dead leaves on the ground. So there are some fall changes this year.
10/30/2014 09:06:42 am
The changes I've noticed in Mr. B's was the red leaves and the slightly different temperature. The thing that surprised me when I came out to Mr. B's was the big brown mushrooms under the benches near the lake.
Sydney S
10/30/2014 09:16:51 am
Since the first successful visit to Mr. B's Backyard Classroom, many things have changed, or differed. The emerald green trees were turning brown, orange, and red. A school of birds stormed by us flying towards what seemed to be the south. As my classroom and I walked around, i could feel a courser dirt/ ground. There seemed to be a lack of insects like, butterflies and ladybugs. Though, the tadpoles and dragonflies seemed to stay in the frosty weather with us. However, there was an abundant amount of different types of mushrooms and fungus. Mr.B's Backyard classroom changes throughout the seasons and will always. There will always be different plants, different animals and different insects living in the classroom. That's what make's this classroom special. Even though the scenery changes, it will always be in Mr.B's Backyard classroom.
Ali A.
10/30/2014 09:17:51 am
These are the things I noticed in Mr. B's backyard now that fall is here. One thing I noticed is that there is less bugs than usual. Another thing I noticed was that there are different colors on leaves. The thing that surprised me the most was that there were tadpoles in the water at this time of year. I also saw that there were less frogs. The last thing I saw was that there were snakes in Mr. B's backyard. Those are what changes I saw in Mr. B's backyard now that fall is here and what surprised me.
10/30/2014 09:18:51 am
What really surprised me in the fall is how different everything is and how many mushrooms there were. There was at least 6 to 7 different types of mushrooms and they all looked different. Almost all of the insects we gone and the majority of the birds had gone away. It was completely the opposite in the fall, also most of the trees leaves had fallen off and the trees were absolutely beautiful. I think I almost like Mr.B's in the fall better than the summer time.
Melinda C.
10/30/2014 09:29:23 am
More birds, change of leaves, barely any butterflies, and more toads
Angelina C
10/30/2014 09:35:33 am
What I noticed that changed in Mr. B's was that a lot of trees and plants are dying or changing.
Chris A
10/30/2014 09:15:27 pm
When the fall arrived , mr.B's backyard had changed. The leaves had change colors all over the place. Mushrooms are also growing a lot more. There was many different types. There are small,big, tall , short, spotty and many more. Some were very close together and others were far apart. Others were shaped as a dome with spots and others were the complete oppisites. The cob webs were closer together, tighter. There were different changes.
Cody Tittermary
10/30/2014 09:55:09 pm
I Enjoyed Mr.B's backyard it was fun seeing all the changes in the leaves and all the animals in there like frogs, snakes,lots and lots of birds. Mr.B's backyard is the best and i hope we go many more times.
Matthew O
10/30/2014 09:55:50 pm
There were a lot of changes. The leaves change color to red. The leaves are starting to die. The lakes looked more darker the water. I got to measure the water and the surface. I saw many changes at Mr.B's backyard. I did realize that I saw less ducks and frogs. But I did see fish. That was the big difference from the first time I visit and now.
Austin W
10/30/2014 09:56:41 pm
When I was out in Mr.B's i noticed the leaves were changing color I thought did that because the tree was going to sleep.
Ali b
10/30/2014 09:58:42 pm
Mr. B's back yard is a fun place to be. If you go there keep a eye out for all of the wild animals and plants. The backyard was the most fun i have had in school.
Jesse D.
10/31/2014 05:55:43 am
Changes i saw in the Fall were the leaves and the birds were migrating for the Winter. The leaves were changing into red, yellow, and orange colors. The birds were migrating so i got to see a ton of different birds. The one thing that surprised me was the different kinds of birds because i didn't know that there was going to be so many kinds birds.
nick Cacopardo
11/1/2014 12:35:25 am
the changes in all of the colors is what surprised me, it was a big difference from when we went in September into the fall visit at mr. b's
11/2/2014 08:50:34 pm
Some changes I noticed was that all the leaves change colors. Also, there were way more mushrooms. There was huge and small one with all different color. Something that surprised me was all of the birds that chose to fly over Mr.B's
Marcella Sacchetti
11/3/2014 04:43:05 am
Since it's fall now all of the leaves are turning into different colors and it's just very beautiful to look at. It is cooler out and there more plants growing now, and I just find it really cool that we have the opportunity to go outside and do projects about the plants.
11/4/2014 04:15:14 am
I wasn't out at Mr. B's because i didnt bring my slip in yet
Ryan Delaney
11/5/2014 02:27:37 am
what i noticed about fall coming at Mr.B's is that the leaves changed from green to orange. There was also more plants and plants that were already there have grown quite a bit. The water has increased and has gotten darker too. That is what i noticed about fall at Mr.B's.
11/11/2014 12:22:51 am
I notice that there is a change in the leaves and I'm actually surprised that I didn't see any fish at Mr.B's but it is a little cold out now. Also there are not as many flowers and animals as the time I had went before. There was a rare bird that i had seen though it was pretty amazing. The fall season is finally here!
11/11/2014 12:29:26 am
The differences were that the were all changing from green to red orange yellow and some of them were purple and brown. The water level was still very high but i didn't see any frogs this time.I also notice there were more birds then when we first went out. Last thing that was a dramatic change was the air temperature Do to the change in air that caused, most of the animals to not be there
11/11/2014 12:36:22 am
I noticed now that fall is here, the leaves are changing to beautiful colors, the weather gets crisper, and the water seems more shiny and nice looking. A bad change is that some leaves are falling off trees leaving them looking, weak and brittle. Nothing really surprised me, since these changes happen every year
Ashley Solano
11/11/2014 08:03:04 am
Some of the changes I saw at mr.B's backyard was the different colors of the leaves. I also noticed that there were a lot of big mushrooms out there which I thought was pretty cool to see. Another change I saw was that there was different types of plants that were starting to grow.
11/11/2014 10:14:20 am
Well, you thought Mr. B's can't get any better. If you say that, you haven't seen it in fall. When you first walk in, you are greeted by the incredible sight of the trees. All the leaves are orange, yellow, or brown. It's one of the best sights you've ever seen. In fall, there are many different types of birds and more species awaiting you. When you walk in, just look around. All you see is extremely incredible sights. It becomes more fun an exciting, leaving you wanting to see more. You must see it to truly believe the sight. In fall, it becomes a much better place for a good learning experience for anyone. It is just wonderful place with all the animals and sightings. It's just incredible.
11/12/2014 04:12:35 am
The leaves were changing. I was surprised by how quickly everything was changing and moving! Some things I found very cool was that there was a snake and I could see some fish in the water!
11/12/2014 05:39:34 am
In my experience I noticed the leaves changing into a orange reddish color. I also felt the weather changing it was windier and chilly. I noticed that leaves were on the ground and lots of them.
11/12/2014 10:33:09 am
There were so many changes when I had went. One of the changes that I saw was the leaves changes. They turnt beautiful colors such as orange,red and yellow. I personally loved the mixtures of colors it everything so pretty. What really surprised me was that there were mushrooms growing. There were so many orange yellow and even puffballs. those are the changes that I had noticed during my visit.
joelle mariano
11/12/2014 11:39:00 pm
I noticed all of the leaves changing colors and also some trees didn't have leaves.
Rodney M.
11/13/2014 12:30:42 am
My second time going to Mr.B's backyard during my seventh grade year was when fall started rolling around, the leaves were beautiful, I saw a lot more organisms, and I had even more fun. I was astonished by how beautiful Mr.B's looked this time around.
11/13/2014 10:39:03 am
I noticed in Mr.B's backyard in the fall that the color of the trees changed also how I didn't see as many animals as I did when we first went. Nothing really surprised me becouse in my back yard the same changes happened there to.
11/13/2014 10:52:01 am
Since fall is here many things have changed throughout Mr.B's backyard. The leaves had changed tremendously, The colors ranged from brown, red, tangerine, and a bright yellow. Many had also fell off their branches. Some of the the plants also had started to die, or wither, and you wouldn't see the animals as much anymore. They were probably preparing for winter. The plants surprised me the most, how they were withering. I had never even thought about them dying or looking like that until the visit. However, even though many animals and plants aren't as fully bloomed, Mr.B's is still a very beautiful place.
11/14/2014 01:55:28 am
it was awesome going to Mr.bee's back yard classroom it was an awesome first visit .
During my second trip to Mr. B's Backyard, Fall was definitely setting in. There are fewer leaves on the trees and the leaves that were left had all changed color for the most part. It had just rained a lot and there was hundreds of mushrooms and fungus on the ground. The ground was muddy and soft. The water was cold because I dipped my finger in it -- colder than the last time I went. I saw a ground hog hole but not the ground hog. I also saw two big snakes sunbathing on the water's beach, trying to get warm. I also found a snakeskin that was about 3 1/2 to 4 feet long. When I got permission to pick it up from the teacher it broke in half because it was so fragile. It had been sitting in the water. It is now hanging on the science room wall. I hope that everyone in the country and in the world gets experiences like these ones.
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