Rayna Bozzuto
10/26/2015 05:30:15 am
I noticed there was a lot of dead tad poles I'm thinking the reasoning of that is the cold weather and how low the water was a couple weeks ago. But the storm joquan added water. And then across the leafs changing.
Kylie G
10/26/2015 05:31:23 am
I noticed lots of changes for the season fall in Mr.B's.The leaves change color and fall off the trees in Mr.B's.When you go out in spring its nice out, the's suns out but, in fall its sometimes warm but sometimes cold.Which means not only did the leaves change so did the temperature.One more difference or change in fall is Mr.B's didn't have to much animals as usual.Something that surprised me was the dead tadpole in the water and all the different color leaves that fell off the trees.
Lydia G.
10/26/2015 05:32:33 am
Recently we have visited Mr. B's Backyard for a fall lesson.
Kylee .A.
10/26/2015 05:33:01 am
There was a few Fall changes that i noticed when I went out to Mr.B's backyard. I had saw a lot of different colored leaves. Also we saw painted turtles. Something that surprised me is that their was a lot of dead tad poles, we were trying to figure out what might have caused them to die. Lastly is that the leaves on the right side of the paths were green and to the left the leaves were red and yellow.
Kristian Ortiz
10/26/2015 05:34:05 am
We went to check the leaves in Mr.Bs backyard. The leaves changed colors and fell off the trees. We went to walk around and saw tad pools and other sort of animals. We saw a bunny it was brown well light brown. It was great.
Ayisha Imran
10/26/2015 05:36:21 am
Some fall/autumn changes i have noticed are that the tree leaves are different colors like red, orange, and yellow. I also saw wildflowers growing and leaves falling off trees. Somethings I saw that were cool were that I saw a snake egg and I saw many mushrooms growing.
10/26/2015 05:38:03 am
There are many fall changes that I noticed while at Mr. B's. One thing that i noticed while at Mr.B's is that most of the leaves changed color. Another thing I noticed is that the water level in the main pond had dropped. Another thing that I noticed is that there is barley any wild vegetation.one thing that surprised me is how much leaves had changed color from the last time I was there.
10/26/2015 05:38:22 am
The fall changes were that leaves are changing colors, they falling off trees, and other plants are dying. The things that surprised me were the colors on the leaves and the variety of different colors.
10/26/2015 05:38:39 am
We recently took a trip to Mr.B's backyard and now that it's fall, there have been many changes since the last time we went. One of the changes that i noticed was that the water was colder then before. Another change that i noticed was that there were less animals and more leaves on the ground. The leaves have also changed into different colors, brown,red,and orange. I also noticed that there were many dead tadpoles in the pond and this surprised me. The cause of this was probably the sudden change in temperature and water decrease of the pond.
Eliandra Seguinot
10/26/2015 05:39:02 am
I noticed that the leaves' colors were changing. This happens because the chlorophyll in the leaves die in cold, dry weather. Also, we found a lot of dead tadpoles. We think the tadpoles died because of the very low water level and quick temperature changes. Something that surprised me was that there were snakes in the cattails.
10/26/2015 05:40:13 am
The fall changes I noticed is the leaves changing colors outside the weather is getting colder so the animals are staying inside their habitat. Also in Mr.B their was no water in the second pond.The thing that surprised me was the dead tad pole in the water. I think Mr.B is a great and fun place and I learn a lot from it.
Sarah P.
10/26/2015 05:40:54 am
I noticed that the leaves changed color. A couple other things I notices are that there was no water in the second pond.The trail was more damp. And finally there were not a lot of action of animals during my visit. Something that surprised me was that the animals were not out. Also there was no water in the second pond.
Randy Ryan
10/26/2015 05:41:44 am
There were a lot of observations I made at the and other things. I saw that the leaves are changing and the animal aren't that many animals there. and the dead tad poles. Also we saw a snake egg and then someone crushed it by accident.
10/26/2015 05:42:10 am
I noticed that the leaves changed color because the chlorophyll started to run out. That there weren't as many webs and spiders in Mr.B's backyard and it looked empty. There wasn't many living organism as the first time and there were tad poles as well. The thing that surprised me was that there were no snakes and I think I saw one of it's egg and that was really surprising.
10/26/2015 05:43:43 am
A lot of things changed, the leaves turned beautiful colors and filled the whole place. Also the water in the detention basin was barely filled. Two things that really surprised me was the dead tadpoles, and the two turtles. This was my first time seeing turtles in Mr.B's .
10/26/2015 05:44:37 am
It is very interesting how many different kinds of animals that live in Mr. B's. Turtles, toads, frogs, and bull frogs they all live in the amazing Mr.B's backyard classroom. I really enjoy Mr.B's because it is amazing adventure, cause of all the wildlife and plants to see, which is a great experience.
10/26/2015 05:46:03 am
Some of the fall changes that I noticed are most of the leaves changed colors. Water levels changed. Something that surprised me was that how many tad poles were dead.
10/26/2015 05:47:54 am
I noticed many changes in Mr.B's Backyard. First thing I noticed is that the leaves changed colors like red and orange. I also noticed that there is a lot of leaves falling from the trees. We also saw that there was dead todd poles in the lake. I was surprised that there was a lot leaves every where. It's the same as the leaves falling in front of my house.
Antonelly Reyes
10/26/2015 05:49:49 am
Outside in Mr.B's There were so many changes in the season of Fall , For Example leaves changing color and NO water in pond 2. What I found surprising a snake egg by the pond but then we found out that it was just some fungus.
10/26/2015 05:50:06 am
The leaves changed color like yellow, red, and orange.Also we saw a weird egg looking thing.And we saw bull frogs and Cat tails.
Michael Awad
10/26/2015 05:51:22 am
I noticed some very large changes especially the trees the leaves were falling down and changing. One thing that i will look into for research is the multiple dead tadpoles maybe the temperature.
Jay Fortune
10/26/2015 06:21:24 am
The leaves were orange and some leaves were on the ground.I had saw some DEAD tadpoles.I think the reason the tadpoles were dead because of the temperature changed.
10/26/2015 06:21:41 am
Some fall changes I noticed is that the grass was taller and the leaves were changing color. Something that suprised me was that I didn't any animals besides a tadpole. A tree had fallen in the water. There was also less water in the pond.
Cyanni R
10/26/2015 06:21:52 am
The leaves at Mr.b's where different colors.There was clear water in the retention pond.The detention pond was dry but there was a little bit of int that pond.
10/26/2015 06:22:28 am
The leafs change color over the fall and the thing that surprised me was that there were some tad polls that died
Alli C
10/26/2015 06:23:17 am
Autumn brings not only cold weather, but also changing leaves. The once green leaves have changed to beautiful shades of reds, oranges and yellow. Many species of animals go into hibernation. The pond was also at a very low level, because of a drought. This might be the reason why we spotted so many dead tadpoles.The dead tadpoles surprised me. Autumn is a wonderful time to check out the foliage.
10/26/2015 06:24:44 am
Something that surprise me is that i saw a bird that had a fluffy tail. The bird was brown .
10/26/2015 06:24:50 am
I noticed that there were many dead tadpoles in the water,plenty of red leaves scattered the floor,and the detention basin contained very little water.What surprised me was that many of the bullfrog tadpoles were dead at the edges of the retention basin,they were white with huge heads,but there bellies were turned over...
Angela Sanchez
10/26/2015 06:26:33 am
I notice that the leaves changed color the flowers where dried out and the tad pools where out. The birds where migrating the trees where losing leaves.
Justin G.
10/26/2015 06:27:06 am
There were lots of changes in Mr. B's. One of them is that a bunch of tad poles died by an unknown cause. There were even turtles on the log and on the ground one even had a spider on his back. Some berries were starting to grow on the trees as well! Mr. B's is amazing and surely changed a lot!
10/26/2015 06:27:18 am
I noticed a of fall changes. I saw that almost all the trees have red, orange and yellow leaves. Also I saw a dead tadpole half developed. I also saw many birds such as blue jays. These are some of the fall changes.
Fiorella Retamozo
10/26/2015 06:28:49 am
There where many fall changes, there where also many surprises. One change was that the leaves where changing color. Another change was that the lake dried out again. There was also a change in smell, there was this funky smell while I was walking. One thing that surprised me is that we saw a dead tadpole, another thing was that the pond behind the sigh was dried out.
Jonathan Baake
10/26/2015 06:29:01 am
I noticed that the leaves were changing colors also some of the fish things were dead also the temp was changing one more thing is both ponds had water in them.
Luke bandura
10/26/2015 06:29:52 am
I noticed that tiny,cute,turtle and the fall leaves changed colors,there are SOOOO much leaf piles,and it gets colder by the hour.(smile face goes here)
Alanna Stoloff
10/26/2015 06:30:44 am
The leaves were changing, a dead tadpole, and the poison ivy's colors became a striking red and a flaming orange. There were also cattails that were tall and thin. There was also another tadpole, but it was alive. It's tail was wiggling and it was breathing on it's underbelly.
Alexis Pitale
10/26/2015 06:31:37 am
One of the things I love about Mr.B's backyard is the fall changes. The leaves changed colors,the lake was dried out once again. You were even able to walk on it! The lake was green,mushy, and it smelt different. There were two dead tadpoles from the weather changes. A blue jay was squawking at me. Those are some changes in Mr.B's backyard in the fall time.
Louis Jackson
10/26/2015 06:31:57 am
What I thought was cool was when I saw tadpoles in the pond.Also when I saw the colorful leaves blowing in the air.I the a lot of insect crawling around.
Julia S.
10/26/2015 06:36:12 am
Since fall came around, I noticed a significant change at Mr.B's Backyard classroom. For example, there has been an extreme change in temperature. Also, many leaves on the trees changed from the color green to the colors of red and orange. A couple weeks ago, there was a drought and one of he lakes at Mr.B's was empty. Yet after that, we had a storm causing water in the lake to fill up again. What caught me by surprise was the two dead Tadpoles I saw. They probably died because of the drought. As you can see, there was a decent change of scenery in Mr.B's.
10/26/2015 08:32:25 am
I noticed the leaves on the trees were changing colors from green to red, orange, yellow, and brown. It became colder so the bullfrog tadpoles died. I was surprised by the painted turtle because I have never seen one before.
Kayla Cabral
10/26/2015 08:33:32 am
Some autumn changes that I noticed were that a little bit of water was in the detention pond, many of the leaves changed colors, the retention pond was greener and darker than in the summer, many animals were sunbathing, the ground around the pond was soaked, and there were a lot more animal homes. Something that surprised me was that the bullfrog tadpoles can grow really big and very thick, I thought they just stayed small!
10/26/2015 08:36:07 am
What Fall changes I noticed was the changes in the leaves i noticed red maple leaves and a different variety of colors such as a yellowish orange type of color found on the leaves. As a result to the changes of leaves i got surprised when i identified many of the bull frog tadpoles found dead by the end of the lake.
10/26/2015 08:36:39 am
The fall changes that occurred in Mr. B's that I noticed were that the wildflowers were withered, a lot of dead bullfrog tadpoles were floating in the water, the water level is higher than it was in September, and there were less dragonflies. Something that surprised me is that there was a painted turtle basking in the sun on a log. When we took pictures, it didn't even move!
Madison Hardiman
10/26/2015 08:37:32 am
At Mr. B's there were many autumn changes. One example is that the leaves are starting to change colors. Another example is that the movement/activity of the pond has slowed.
10/26/2015 08:37:43 am
I noticed that the leaves were no longer Green, but Red, Yellow, and Orange. A turtle was basking on a log in the sunlight. It was also colder and I saw lots of dead Bullfrog Tadpoles. Something that surprised me was a turtle. He was laying on a log and didn't move. It was very exciting and surprising!
Morgan G
10/26/2015 08:38:36 am
At Mr. B's some fall changes I noticed were there were more leaves on the ground, there was less life, leaves were changing color, there was lots of dead grass and plants, many dead bullfrog tadpoles, and the detention basin was low. Something that surprised me was how many dead bullfrog tadpoles there were and how many leaves have changed color.
Emily Johnson
10/26/2015 08:38:53 am
The main difference I realized is the leaves changing color. The oranges, reds, browns, and yellows was amazing. Also all the dead bull frog tadpoles surprised me. The detention basin was low again with little to no wildlife around it. Also painted turtles were out sun bathing and didn't jump off the log and run away. Plants are starting to die off and become brown along with the trees. Mr.B's is a place of changes.
10/26/2015 08:39:34 am
Some fall changes I noticed were that the leaves were changing colors, there was a little water in the detention pond, and the water level was higher in the retention pond. One thing that surprised me were the beautiful, colorful leaves.
Sam L
10/26/2015 08:39:50 am
I noticed in this trip to Mr. B's that the leaves on the trees were more red and yellowish. I also noticed that the detention basin was more wet than last time but still not filled. What surprised me was there was two turtles just sitting there and not trying to run and hide.
10/26/2015 08:39:52 am
I noticed that in the fall the leaves were different colors than in the spring. I also saw more baby animals than other seasons in the year. Lastly I felt a huge temperature change throughout two weeks.
10/26/2015 08:40:19 am
At Mr.B today we saw our fall observations. One of the things that surprised me is how many leaves fell since the last time we went. Also there was less frogs then the lest time. Plus there was no water in detention basin. Finally a lot of the bullfrog tadpoles were dead.
10/26/2015 08:40:43 am
The fall changes I noticed were that the leaves changed colors and the flowers were wilting. Also the retention pond was shallower then the detention pond which was empty. The turtle near the pond named Timmy surprised me.
Lydia M.
10/26/2015 08:40:57 am
I noticed a few fall changes. One change I noticed was the different leaf colors. Plus, the detention basin was really low on water. The creatures seemed to move a little bit more than last time, yet there were less frogs and more dead tadpoles. Lastly, there were less birds and dragonflies than last time we went to Mr. B's. What surprised me was how many creatures were around for being autumn. Plus, there were so many dead baby tadpoles! Lastly, there were less dragonflies and other bugs than anyone would expect.
10/26/2015 08:41:42 am
The leaves changed color and fell to the ground. Leaves change color because chemicals in the air that make leaves change color when it is cold. The thing that surprised me the most was the turtle that got up close and personal with me.
Kobe Thompson
10/26/2015 08:42:20 am
The trip to Mr B's backyard classroom was strange, all the leaves had changed colors because of the lack of water and light. This made the leaves lose their green chlorophyll, which in turn made the leaves change from green to red. I was very surprised when the turtle jumped out, with a spider on its shell. I noticed in August it gets colder.
Leila Johnson
10/26/2015 08:42:42 am
Some changes that I notice is that many leaves are changing colors. Fewer animals are around, leaves all over the ground. The water gets colder. What surprise me is the turtle near the pod how dark the turtle shell was and the yellow strikes on its face.
Katie H
10/26/2015 08:43:11 am
During this visit to Mr. B's Backyard, there were many changes that came with the change of the season. All of the leaves changed from a bright, vibrant green to a light red and orange. The water temperature dropped because of the freezing weather we have been having lately, which is one of the causes to all the dead bullfrog tadpoles. The Detention pond was once again very low while the retention pond was a darker color. normally when you are out there it is buzzing with the noises of all the bugs and frogs, but it seemed to have became quieter. All these changes were very surprising while some were actually new and different.
Isabella Nieves
10/26/2015 08:45:30 am
I noticed that the detention ponds finally had water and that it had a lot of algae. A lot of the leaves changed colors and covered the ground. What surprised me was that I slipped and almost fell in the pond.
Ethan Z.
10/26/2015 08:46:02 am
Some of the leaves in Mr.B's backyard classroom changed to a purple-red color. There was a lot of dead bullfrog tadpoles just lying upside down on the water surface. Turtles basking in the sunlight sat to gain energy, while one swam in the water. A turtle surprised us because when someone leaned over to take a picture, a turtle came out to surprise us.
Christian R
10/26/2015 08:47:43 am
The fall changes that surprised me was there were more things in and out the water then i ever seen before.
10/26/2015 09:28:17 am
The changes I noticed in Mr B's backyard classroom is that the leaves turned to red, orange, and yellow and that there were frogs in the retention pond. I noticed that there were painted turtles and I heard a mockingbird. What surprised me is how full of life the retention pond is, and how relatively full the pond was. In September, the pond was lower than it is now. There were dragonflies and dead tadpoles in the pond.
10/26/2015 09:31:43 am
When I went to Mr.B's I saw a lot of changes since the last time I went. First the pond water was gone, also the water temerature was cooler then last time. Also the leaves changed colors!!!! A lot of thinks surprised me when I went there I saw a mocking jay and I saw a frog jum into the water. Also I was surprised how fast the leaves changed!!
Vinny D'Alessandro
10/26/2015 09:32:47 am
when we went i saw some leaves were on the ground on the grass was dying. Also we saw the leaves changing i it look awesome. After that we got to walk around and look at all the wildlife.
Samantha Cusco
10/26/2015 09:33:24 am
Fall changes I notice were the leaves change colors like they turned yellow and red also orange.I also notice the temperature its changed cause last time i was there it was hotter than this time i came was way colder then last time.
10/26/2015 09:34:20 am
Fall chances that I noticed were that the leaves changed colors and some of them were on the ground. Trees and shrubs have less leaves and berries. Something that surprised me was that the detention-basin pond dried and I was able to walk on some of the areas.
lanaysha bright
10/26/2015 09:34:31 am
i like Mr.B's i get to see lots of leaves. dead tadpoles and i saw two turtles .i get to see the leaves change colors
10/26/2015 09:35:03 am
I noticed that many thing changed since the last visit to Mr.B's. One of the most significant difference was that the leaves changed orange, yellow, red, and brown and are falling off the trees. I noticed that there were many dead tadpoles in the retention basin. The last thing I notices was that lots of plants are drying up and turning brown. The most interesting thing I saw was that there are bullfrog tadpole in Mr.B's. I had never seen them before. I noticed that there was one live one that swam very quickly.
Dan D.
10/26/2015 09:35:42 am
I noticed that the bushes had less berries and that the detention basin had little water. Also, the leaves are mostly red. I was surprised as to how much cleaner Mr. B's was than my last visit. I was also surprised at the active wildlife. As you can tell there is always new surprises and experiences during each visit to Mr. B's.
April K.
10/26/2015 09:36:00 am
Many leaves had already fallen off of trees, and the ones that were still on the trees had changed to bright colors. The grass and other plants were starting to die. Something that surprised me was that the detention pond was dried up again like it'd been in September during the drought. Also, there were many dead bullfrog tadpoles in the ponds due to the cold weather, oxygen level, and water amount.
Anthony K
10/26/2015 09:37:25 am
When we went outside to Mr.B's I was shocked to see that there were the new animals that were there and the pond was dried out again
10/26/2015 09:40:35 am
the fall changes i notice is there are more leaves on the ground and the pond was dry with no water. the thing that surprised me is that the last time that i was there, there was water in the pond and now when i went back there was no water in the pond.
Zeerak Khan
10/26/2015 09:41:25 am
Here are some fall changes I noticed.One of them was that the pond was dried out again.Another change was that the leaves changed colors.What surprised me was that there are still many animals in Mr.B's backyard.Its October and many animals are still out here in fall.Another thing is that the pond dried up so quickly.These are the things that changed and surprised me
10/26/2015 09:41:52 am
There were a few autumn changes that i noticed. They were lots of leaves and sadly there were a few dead tad poles in the water. There were a lot more turtles in the water. Something that surprised me was that the lake was dried up again. Something else that surprised me was the turtle were just laying in the sun on the logs. I learned why leaves they change colors because the chlorophyll breaks down.
Alexandra H
10/26/2015 09:42:23 am
When I went back to Mr.B's, I was surprised to see that the leaves changed colors already. The pond that was dried up at the end of summer, is dried again. There was a lot more logs in the water. More wild life were visible such a turtles,frogs, birds and tadpoles(some dead). Over all, it was a good visit to see the natural changes of fall.
10/26/2015 09:42:49 am
There were so many different fall changes in Mr.B's Backyard including the different species there was turtles, Bullfrog tadpoles, and other animals. Another change that occurred in Mr.B's was that there was so may different color leaves!!! From yellow to red to orange to green it was endless.
10/26/2015 09:44:54 am
There was alot of fall changes. The detention pond dried up. Also it became very humid. One important factor that changed was the leaves changing color. The grass on the ground is starting to dry up. One thing that surprised me was the leaves changing color very quickly.
Shea Smith
10/26/2015 10:54:37 am
I had a lot of fun at mr.B backyard because every time i go i see something different
Steven macias
10/26/2015 10:55:02 am
Something that surprised me was that I saw no animals. I was mad. I notice the trees leaves were changing colors.
10/26/2015 10:56:00 am
I missed the day we went to Mr.B's but what I saw on the pictures I noticed that lots of the leaves on the trees were changing colors and lots of the tadpoles were dying and I also saw lots of baby turtles on the logs in the pictures.
Mario V.
10/26/2015 10:56:16 am
2 Fall Changes were: leave color changes and no bugs. What Surprised me is that i saw a Turtle!!!
Tanner DiPietro
10/26/2015 10:57:07 am
I saw a frog it was cool. I saw a turtle it was cooler then cool. they are called painted back turtles. I saw purple leaves they where even cooler then cool on a sunday morning.
10/26/2015 10:57:37 am
Some fall changes that I noticed at Mr.B's was the leaves started to change colors. Also there were so many dead tadpole due to the weather. Another fall change at Mr.B's was some of the trees didn't have any leaves. The last fall change was the detention basin was dry.
10/26/2015 10:57:52 am
Some fall changes are the leaves start changing color and start falling off the leaves.Something that surprised me was that a tadpole was dead. I thought that animals at mr.b's would stay alive until winter. The cool thing I saw was a painted turtle.
10/26/2015 10:57:59 am
There were many changes in Mr.B's backyard. The leaves on several trees, have changed color. Some trees were even completely bare. The grass has dried. There were many dead leaves scattered on the floor, and there were also pine cones on trees. However, I didn't expect there to be berries.
Natalie Savine
10/26/2015 10:58:40 am
I noticed a lot of changes in mr B's. One of the changes was that there were less bugs and There was less leaves on the trees. There was three dead tadpoles in the water and there was one branch that was totally off the tree and it was really big.
Ryan Nguyen
10/26/2015 10:58:57 am
I noticed a variety of changes. One of the changes was the leaf colors. Another change was there was many leaves on the ground. The last change i noticed was many turtles were out.
10/26/2015 10:59:10 am
I noticed that the leaves changed colors and it is not as lively as in the summer.The water level also dropped in both ponds.I was surprised of the variety of leaf color.
Vini Patel
10/26/2015 10:59:36 am
When we went outside the tree was different colors. It started to get cold and the tadpoles started to die. Someone surprising I saw is the turtle did not move when we got closer.
Ryan Minneo
10/26/2015 11:01:00 am
I noticed that the leaves were changing. Tadpoles were dying in the retention basin. There were less bugs such as dragonflies. I was suprised that I saw a snake. I was also suprised that the detention basin still had water in it.
10/26/2015 11:01:07 am
On Friday my class went to Mr.B's backyard. Each time we go I notice something different, especially since I went to Reeds Road. This time though I noticed many more things than I usually do. I noticed that there was no water in the detention basin (which wasn't to surprising), and I also noticed that the retention basin was filled with more water that last time. Sadly the last thing that I saw a lot were dead tadpoles which really surprised me because I've never seen so many. Mr.B's backyard is a place that I really enjoy going to so I always pay extra attention to everything there.
10/26/2015 11:01:13 am
the fall changes i notice were the trees if the trees had leaves they were different colors there was also not that many bugs or flyes
10/26/2015 11:10:21 am
I saw a painted turtle also I saw a snake. There was a lot of dead tadpoles and the water was deeper than last time and it was also greener the cattails were really dry but it was fun!!!!
10/26/2015 11:13:00 am
One that fascinated me the most was that there were so many bullfrog tadpoles. But,however a lot of the bullfrog tadpoles were dead because of the extreme weather change and the water level change. Something that really surprised me was that a lot of the leaves were of the trees.
Anthony C.
10/26/2015 02:17:22 pm
Some fall changes I saw at Mr. B's was that the trees leaves weren't green. I saw rabbit wholes also because they are beginning to hibernate. The one pond is almost dried up again. The grass is also starting to turn yellowish brown. Mr. B's is a good place to learn and I can't wait to experience even more.
10/27/2015 05:51:22 am
What I had noticed about fall changes is that the leaves had changed color. The leaves went from green to yellow, red, and orange. I had researched why leaves change color and the most common answer I got was, the chlorophyll breaks down, the green disappears and the yellow to orange colors become visible. Its astonishing how we never notice leaves change color until they change into their full color.
Aspen Mazzatta
10/27/2015 09:46:08 am
What surprised me was how different the ground level's temperature was compared to the air temperature. Some changes were the color of the leaves and that leaves were on the ground. Also the detention base was almost dry other than some mud.
10/27/2015 10:55:17 am
The changes to the trees the leaves change colors and leaves fell
11/15/2015 05:36:32 pm
I saw many changes at Mr.B's. One of theses changes include the different colors of the leaves. There were also less bugs. I was surprised at the fact that there were so many dead tadpoles in the pond.
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