Specifically, what did you learn this year in Mr. B's Backyard Classroom? What is your favorite memory...final thoughts about Mr. B's.
Kyle J
6/7/2017 05:39:08 am
I have learned all about watersheds and the ecosystem. My favorite memory is when this one kid get scared when a rabbit ran past him. Mr.B's was cool and fun.
Madison Demos
6/7/2017 05:41:55 am
What I learned about in Mr.B´s Backyard classroom is about macroinvertibrates and about watersheds what I liked about Mr.B´s Backyard classroom is all of the nature in there and how all of these teachers came together to make this for another teacher that had passed away a few years ago.In the Nature Fest I liked that I could teach all of these kids about Eastern Cottontail Rabbits I also liked that some of the kids payed attention to my lesson on Eastern Cottontail Rabbit´s.My favorite memory of Mr.B´s Backyard Classroom is that we were out there with all of the wild life and saw how they live and survive in Mr.B´s Backyard Classroom.
Meghan Thompson
6/7/2017 05:43:13 am
I learned nothing that I haven't learned last year. My favorite memory was when I saw the little kids get so enthusiastic about learning about butterflies... Didn't know they were that interesting but they still got to learn new things and I did have fun at nature fest.
6/7/2017 05:43:36 am
I enjoied that I got to see stuff that I never saw in my life and my favorite is that guest speakers came and talked to use about nature and stuff we didnt learn yet
Briana Barralaga
6/7/2017 05:46:52 am
My favorite memory is going out to Mr.B's and learning many things that he couldn't teach us. I like that even though he's not here with us we still get to learn about the animals and the lake and many other things about Mr.B's backyard.
6/7/2017 05:47:02 am
I learned many things in Mr.Bs backyard classroom. One including the very great importance of macroinvertebrates. They are god for the ecosystems because you can tell water quality with them and other animals eat them. My favorite memory in Mr.Bs was when we did all of the gardening. I thought that it was really fun. Overall I enjoyed Mr.Bs my only suggestion would be to keep a little bug spray outside because you get bitten a lot.
6/7/2017 05:47:14 am
what i learned in mr.B's was there are so many different species in one little space. and the water animals, the bunnies, groundhog, and snakes this is what i learned in mr.B's.
iman n
6/7/2017 05:47:22 am
I learned alot about mr. b's backyard this year, I learned about different trees, animals, and other organisms. My favorite memory of Mr. B's was going right after winter so we can see how it looked like. Mr. B's backyard classroom was great to go to.
6/7/2017 05:47:46 am
My favorite memory is going in the pond and fishing for macroinverdabrates and we also got to touch them afterwards i leaned a lot from the amazing experiences we got to do.
6/7/2017 05:47:47 am
I learned other insects or animals I have never heard of and my favorite part about mr.b's is nature fest we got to educate kids about our project
William Marable
6/7/2017 05:48:33 am
What I learned in Mr bs backyard is that microvertabreats live on the bottom of the floor
6/7/2017 05:49:54 am
what i learn this year in Mr. B's Backyard Classroom was animals and watersheds.my favorite memory was the time when we were allowed to get in the water and i will be missing Mr. B's because it was fun and interesting.
6/7/2017 05:50:30 am
What i Learned in Mr. bs is that run off from the streets can damage our watersheds.
Levid Diaz
6/7/2017 05:50:59 am
I learn as much as the kids we taught in my friends and my group since in the beginning I did not know what a estuaries was also what it does. I also learned a whole lot about animals and why it is important to care for the wildlife.Another thing I learned is what a watershed is and why it is very important.One of my favorite memory's from Mr. B´s is when we were trying to catch some animals to observe and it is my favorite memory since I love to explore to see new things.
6/7/2017 05:51:50 am
I learned that watersheds are bodies of water that absorb rain water and it's good to care for them because if chemicals get into it then that's bad for the environment. My favorite memory of Mr. B's is when we saw a water snake that was pretty cool. My final thoughts on Mr. B's is that it's good for kids to get an outdoor experience.
6/7/2017 05:52:08 am
This year I learned about watersheds, pollution, macro invertebres, and populations. I wish we could've seen more animals and study specific ones, like the Eastrern Cottontail Rabbits. I enjoyed seeing all the wildlife Mr. B's has to offer, and I was shocked to hear that you cant hunt Bobcats in NJ, but I wish the projects were more fun, and always, I mean always, have a water truck.
6/7/2017 06:03:27 am
I learned a lot of things about Mr.B's this year. I realized that about all the different animal species at Mr. B's back yard. My favorite memory in Mr.B's is when we had Nature fest and got to teach people about my topic. In the end going to Mr.B's was a great experience.
6/7/2017 06:39:48 am
I learned about many organisms like, frogs, birds, and lots of diverse insects. I also learned that having an ecosystem keeps all the organisms safe and healthy. I think going to Mr. B's was a great experience because I got to be outside and see organisms i never knew about.
6/7/2017 06:41:48 am
I have learned about many different, and interesting things at Mr.B's Backyard Classroom.Topics like watersheds, ecosystems, and many different organisms. I have also have had the opportunity to go and see these things instead of hearing about which I think was neat.
6/7/2017 06:42:07 am
I've learned that there are many different types of organisms and life in Mr.B's.My favorite memory is definitely Nature Fest and trying to catch turtles.I think Mr.B's is a wonderful learning environment that filled with amazing creatures.
6/7/2017 06:44:41 am
I learned how important Mr B's is to the organisms.It brings together a community that volunteer to help the system grow and i was very glad to be apart of it.My most memorable moment was when i was selected to participate in going in the water to catch the macroinvertebrates in the waiters.The water was so cold i saw a frog graze past me!
6/7/2017 06:45:16 am
What I learned in Mr. B's Back yard is that nature moves by itself in that little ecosystem. My favorite memory is when I came across a fully shedded snake skin all intact. My final is that this place is perfect!
Sajjad H
6/7/2017 07:31:07 am
I learn the various amount of animals that i didn't even knew that were there
6/7/2017 07:34:09 am
I thought Mr. B's was a great addition to the school. It gives us kids a chance to get outside and see our environment that we usually won't be able to see at home. My favorite memory at Mr. B's was the Open House for the 6th graders. I got to lead tours around Mr. B's and show our new students the amazing environment.
nick flynn
6/7/2017 07:34:40 am
my fav memory is the box turtle in mr b cuase i never saw one so it was good. i learned about some turtles
Gelasia Nurse
6/7/2017 07:35:52 am
Mr. Bs was fun this year i would put some more sucreityaround the primisses i didnt think it was fair what happen to it. But the fun of Mr. B was all thanks to mrs. sommers.
jayden B
6/7/2017 07:36:32 am
I really appreciated Mrs. Sommers taking us out there to mr.B's and teaching us every thing there. She is making me think about joining the environmental club next year and really trying to make a change. My Favorite moment was when we did nature fest and we all taught the kids about our topics a big thank you gos to mrs. Sommers
6/7/2017 07:38:20 am
I learned a lot of information that I never knew about. Some examples are like how to find the ph level for the water. Not also that but I learned about these little tiny bugs called macro invertebrate. I learned everything about them. Not also that but I learned about the temperatures and stuff like that.
Madison W.
6/7/2017 07:39:04 am
I learned that their are a lot of bunch of species in Mr.B's. My favorite memory is all of them
gigi tarsitano
6/7/2017 07:39:18 am
I learned about diferrent types of species about water bugs . Also I learned about the natures habitats with butterflies. Also I learned about the varieties of plants and trees.
Emma B-K
6/7/2017 07:39:50 am
I learned so many things this year from Mr. B's backyard that i didn't even know existed or i didn't have that mush knowledge about. i learned about Macroinvertebrates, frogs, tadpoles, trees, snakes, the water shed, water temperate, and many other things. Half of those things i didn't even know what they were. My favorite memory was probably was all of it maybe. we learned about so much that was so cool. But my favorite favorite was learning about macroinvertebrates and tadpoles. My final thoughts are i'm probably going to remember Mr. B's backyard for a while.
Caitlyn LeBlanc
6/7/2017 07:41:02 am
I learned a lot about so many different animals. I learned about snakes, birds, and dragonflies. My favorite memory is when I was presenting if the kids got the questions right they get a prize. I had pencils, erasers, and tops. I brought rubber bands if someone needed some for their project and the kids wanted a rubber band for a prize. It was funny, rubber bands aren't prizes.
Emilee Giblin
6/9/2017 07:17:52 am
What i learned in Mr. B's back yard is water sheds and micrometeorites. We also learned all the different animals.
6/7/2017 08:24:28 am
I learn about the animals like there size and color i really like the painted turtle.My favorite memory is when i presenting the Monarch butterfly and the help of my dad everything was great even though not alot of student came to my project.
Abbi Sibley
6/7/2017 08:26:32 am
I learned all about the watersheds and bats and butterflies along with snakes and birds. My favorite memory was when the kids were so happy to touch the little baby painted turtles and see them swim around in their tank.
Faith Berry
6/7/2017 08:27:29 am
I have learned a lot of things in Mr. Bs backyard. I have learned that many different organisms live there. I have also learned that a toad and a frog make different noises and do different things.
6/7/2017 08:28:10 am
In Mr.B's I learned about all watersheds and the ecosystem and also about the bugs in the lake. My favorite memory is when me and Christian saw 7 snakes in one day and we saw many turtles.
makayla edwards
6/7/2017 08:28:32 am
I learn so much this year at Mr.B's backyard classroom. For example, i learned about watersheds and about different animals that live there.One of my favorite part about it was when I was walking around with my friends and we spotted dragon flies matting. we didn't know what to do so I ran to Mrs..Sommers and she told us what they were doing and i whole bunch of facts.
6/7/2017 08:29:55 am
I learned about ecosystems,macro invertebrate,watersheds, population, and pollution. My favorite memory from Mr. B's was during Nature Fest, a kid asked me " Why aren't the called black bears? They should be called rainbow bears!!" Mr. B's is the greatest Place to see some the nature of New Jersey.
priya momi
6/7/2017 08:30:31 am
I learned so many things this year from Mr. B's backyard classroom that I didn't know about last year. We learned about microvertibrates, water sheds,and many different organisms. My favorite memory has to be the Nature Fest. I loved when the kids learned about the different organisms and ow they were so excited to play and earn prizes at the end of it.
6/7/2017 08:30:52 am
I learned many different things. There are so many cool things to learn about like the bull frogs and snakes. There are so many memories,Like the time we with out and we saw 7 snakes . That was scary. I like helping out with Mr.B backyard it feels nice to help clean up so that was also a memory i liked. Mr B Backyard is somewhere you can go and have fun learning at the same time.
Hassan Bashir
6/7/2017 08:32:54 am
My Favorite memory of Mr,. Bs is Nature fest and walking around and learning about different types of organisms and the variety of all of them. Also teaching about an animal was also very fun to do and inform people about an animal they don't know much about.
Adib Osmany
6/7/2017 09:30:42 pm
I learned many things at Mr. B's. I learned the many types of trees and animals that live in Mr B's. I learned how watersheds work. I learned how important Mr.Bs is to organisms. My favorite memory of Mr.Bs is nature fest. I love going to Mr.B's.
William Brust
6/8/2017 03:52:06 am
I was surprised at how many creatures live in Mr. B's, and sadly, how much danger they could be in without our help. I was unaware about how much pollution caused by humans totally infects the ecosystem. I must say that my favorite memory of Mr. B's was hanging out with my friends in the nice weather and learning about my environment. I think more kids should get the chance to visit Mr. B's or a similar establishment.
Jenna C.
6/8/2017 06:42:10 pm
I have learned several things this year in Mr. B’s Backyard Classroom. I have learned about watersheds, pollution, macroinvertebrates, trees, and so much more. First of all, before going out to Mr. B’s Backyard, I never knew what a watershed was. Now I do, and we actually live in one called the Mullica River Watershed. Secondly, I knew what pollution was, but I learned that there are two major types of pollution. The two types are, nonpoint and point source pollution. Nonpoint source pollution can’t be traced to find out where it came from, whereas point source pollution can be traced to where it came from. Also, I learned what macroinvertebrates are. I have learned about the Pitch Pine and that it’s pinecones open under extreme heat. I have learned what organisms live locally in my area and in Mr. B’s, and why it is important to take care of them. I learned how to take care of our environment. I have learned that water is not only extremely important to humans, but it is also needed by other organisms. I have learned that snakes eat tadpoles. The information listed above is only a portion of what I have learned in Mr. B’s Backyard Classroom. My favorite memory of Mr. B’s Backyard Classroom is going out to observe the trees and other organisms in the fall. The leaves were orange, red, and brown and starting to fall. Autumn is a gorgeous time of year, especially in Mr. B’s Backyard. My final thoughts on Mr. B’s is, it is a wonderful place to take students to learn and observe nature. I have learned so many wonderful things while being out there and I’m sure others will too. Not only do you learn in Mr. B’s Backyard, but you also have fun. Mr. B’s Backyard is a unique and extremely beautiful part of nature that allows students to learn in a fun environment.
6/9/2017 05:25:16 am
i learned a lot from mr bs that i never even knew t means a lot that the teachers would put their time and effort into helping kids learn about animals and what not to do when your around them.
6/9/2017 05:28:28 am
I learned so many things about Mr.B's.I learned about the different species, water sheds and macroinvertebrates. The most memorable moment is when we cleaned up all the liter to help out.Also to help the animals.
6/9/2017 05:28:38 am
I learned not a lot this year. I did have a good memory though. It was when a bunch of little kids came up with my sister all enthusiastic to learn. My final thoughts, this was possibly the best nature fest I´ve been to.
6/9/2017 05:54:53 am
We havre gone to Mr. B's a few times tis school year. Although there was a mix of weather it has always been fun. We listen and look at animals and one time we even saw a bird with some eggs. I always have a good time and it is nice to go outside every once and a while and learn something
6/9/2017 05:57:39 am
I really enjoyed Mr.B's nature fest. I was one of the present-tors and I loved teaching the kids about my topic. I also learned about many others in my pare time.
6/9/2017 05:59:06 am
I learned about macroinvertebraes and how they help identify water if it is polluted.
Bhavya Rama
6/9/2017 05:59:22 am
I learned about macroinvertebrate and how they are important to Mr.B's.I also learned about different animals like turtles like the painted turtle and snakes like the norther water snake. I loved going in the water and catching tadpoles and other animals.
liv thoms
6/9/2017 05:59:34 am
I really appreciated mrs.sommers taking us out to learn about to learn about new things.
6/9/2017 06:00:58 am
At mr.b,s i learned a lot about other animal.I also learned about other organisms.
6/9/2017 06:32:58 am
I learned a lot about the animals that live in Mr. B's. My favorite memory was nature fest when my board fell down about 20 times. Mr. B's Backyard classroom is a great way to learn.
6/9/2017 07:05:03 am
Macroinvertebrates are pretty cool and I never thought that thsese animals ever existed.
6/9/2017 07:06:28 am
Mr. B´s Backyard was a learning center of nature for many students. Not only did we get to experience nature, but we gained knowledge on several organisms, plants, and environmental protection. Mr. Bś will always be a special place to learn.
Lacey W
6/9/2017 07:16:21 am
I have learned many things this year at Mr. B's Backyard Classroom. I have learned lots about macroinvertabrates and insects. My favorite memory from Mr. B's is when we went outside and counted the amount of each species. It showed me how many animals really depend on Mr. B's Backyard to live.
Reece Wagner
6/9/2017 07:18:02 am
I learned so much from Mr. Bs this year. I never thought I would learn this much about the Atlantic ocean. Not only I learned about the Atlantic Ocean, but I learned about Mr. Bs and all the animals in it. My favorite memory is when we put on waders and went into the water. It was pretty funny. I will never forget Mr. Bs .
6/9/2017 07:18:38 am
This year in Mr.B's I learned the importance of the preservation of the wildlife, a lesson I will keep dear to my heart for my whole life. My favorite experience is putting on waders and going into the water to find the macroinvertebrate.
Parth P.
6/9/2017 07:19:32 am
I learned many things this year about Mr. B's, but macroinvertebrates was cool. The fact that they can determine a water's purity level is mindblowing! My favorite memory about Mr. B's was when we searched for tadpoles, frogs, and snakes. That was fun! I can't wait to get out next year!
Jenna S
6/9/2017 07:20:04 am
What I learned about Mr.Bs is that there are so many animals in one place. I saw so many animals that I have never seen except at a zoo or a wildlife thing. My favorite part about Mr. Bs was when we got to go in the water and fish for tadpoles and turtles.
Rani P.
6/9/2017 07:21:20 am
This year was even better as a result of visits to Mr.B's rain or shine there is something about that place that makes me love it. I learned about all animals in and out of Mr.Bs there was a lot of info.about NJ animals . Other than animals there was also macroinvertebrates that explored the area even more. I espically loved the turtles and the tadpoles itś amazing how much tadpoles can grow over time from a tale to tiny feet. LOVE MR.Bs!!!!!!! ^-^ ^-^
Livia Pino
6/9/2017 07:22:09 am
From my previous experiences and this year´s experience with Mr. B´s, I´ve learned about organisms that I had no idea existed, and how significant every living thing is. They all have purposes that contribute to other living things.
Janish Suneja
6/9/2017 07:22:43 am
I learned a lot about Mr.B's backyard classroom in fact. there were many types of different animals, each that possessed their own unique way of using the ecosystem and behavior. I never knew about much of the organisms in the first place, until I got to experience Mr.B's hands on myself. I also remember all the presentations that let me learn eve more, like Macroinvertebrates and watersheds. We also learned about the ecosystem of Mr.B's itself, as well as neighboring ecosystems like the Pine lands, and how different kinds of variables can affect an ecosystem by testing and making our own mini-ecosystem. My favorite memory would definitely be Nature Fest, because not only do you get to teach kids about an organism, you also get to feel like a professional teaching about a specific species and letting the kids enjoy your hard work and communicating with them, and designing the project as a whole. My final thoughts on Mr.B's would be that this place is just amazing. How such a little ecosystem has evolved into a little ecosystem, but with sprawling organisms like frogs, snakes, fish, and too many else to count!
6/9/2017 07:23:34 am
Mr. B´s is a great experience for kids with learning outside the classroom and learning all the different organisms in Mr B´s . It´s really a great experience for kids.
Christian Coppola
6/9/2017 07:24:46 am
I didn't even know about Mr.B's Until I came to this middle school. I really didn't know what i was missing out on. Mr.B's is really amazing. I've learned so much from what macroinvertebrates are to what kind of snakes are in New Jersey. My favorite moment has to be when I first went back to Mr.B's Because I was just so entertained about everything back there. I know this sounds like a advertisement but I'm not lying when i say that Mr.B's is a must see.
William B.
6/9/2017 07:24:56 am
During my visits to Mr.s B's Backyard Classroom, I finally understood just how many amazing species live in the are, as well as how badly they can be affected by human behavior. Its a little depressing that we have been responsible for the decline and extinction of so many organisms. My overall favorite memory from my Mr. B's experience was relaxing with friends in the nice weather. (When the weather was, in fact, nice that is.) Ultimately, I think Mr. B's classroom is an amazing opportunity, and my only regret is that many other kids will never have the chance to experience it's splendor .
6/9/2017 07:26:28 am
I learned a lot at Mr. B's Backyard classroom about the are ecosystem and the organisms with in it. I had tons of great memories there but my favorite was when I got to go into the lake with waders. Over all I loved going to Mr. B's and will always be interested in it and its ecosystem.
Jack Domschine
6/9/2017 07:28:58 am
Mr. B's backyard was my favorite part of science this year. Aside from being fun, Mr. B's has taught me so much about things I had no idea existed, like the watersheds. I learned that we live on the Mullica River watershed. I also learned about Macroinveribrates, another thing I had no idea existed. I got to go in the water and scoop for them, which was also fun. Overall, I think Mr. B's is an unique ecosystem that teaches a lot of kids about the wonders of life.
6/9/2017 07:29:39 am
I'm taking so much knowledge from Mr. B's this year. I have learned what watersheds are and what ecosystems are. I am so happy for this new addition to GTMS. The best memory i'm taking with me is Nature Fest. I had a great time teaching other students about Watersheds. I also gained a lot of knowledge from everyone else's presentations.
6/9/2017 07:29:45 am
I learned what a retention and detention pond is. My favorite memory was when I saw three snakes at once.
Kaitlyn L
6/9/2017 07:30:56 am
I learned that Mr. B's is important to more then just animals, they are also important to us too. My favorite memories is any shoveling wood chips to put down on the path because we got to help Mr.B's and had time to bond with my classmates. Mr. B's is a great place for kids to learn about the environment and bond with their classmates.
6/12/2017 05:51:35 am
I learned that mute swans mate for life unless their mate dies then the find another. I also learned that there is a big problem with Canadian geese because there are too many of them.
6/12/2017 06:14:26 am
My favorite thing we did in Mr.Bs this year was going to the pond to learn about all the species that are living there. Presenting at nature fest was probably the best thing this year. I loved teaching kids about the beach.
Tanisha Sharma
6/12/2017 07:18:23 am
The most important thing I learned about Mr.B's is that there are so many different types of species I never knew about. Mr.B's is a very good place and a very interesting place for children to gain knowledge about the environment. I think that all all the events were my favorite memories but learning about watersheds was the best. And my final thoughts on Mr.B's is that I will never forget this great place and all the knowledge I gained from it.
6/18/2018 08:15:55 am
I learn a lot about different ecosystems. I also learned about species of animals and insects. My favorite memory would have to be nature fest. Nature fest was a lot of fun and I think kids should look forward to it.
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