Reflect on your first 7th grade visit to Mr. B's. What did you observe? What surprised you? What are you looking forward to in future visits?
9/21/2018 05:49:37 am
I saw a chipmunk that was fast and brown. I was surprised by all of the types of flowers and all the different colors. I'm looking forward to the new animals I will see later in the year.
9/21/2018 05:50:17 am
There was lots of animals,and there were many different trees with many colors.
madison d
9/21/2018 05:51:27 am
I noticed that there were snakes and frogs which i did not expect. There were also many different trees and many different insects. I saw tadpoles and a squriel.
9/21/2018 05:51:54 am
In my first 7th grade visit to Mr B's I observed many things. For example, I saw lots of frogs! I was surprised on how big it was, I expected Mr. B's to be a lot smaller than it was. I'm looking forward to discovering new species my next visit at Mr. B's!
9/21/2018 05:51:59 am
I liked the amount of animals we got to see.
9/21/2018 05:52:39 am
I observed a variety of animals, such as chipmunks,frogs,and many different trees. What surprised me was how many animals lived together in such a small space. I'm looking forward to learning about and observing more animals.
9/21/2018 05:52:53 am
I have seen all types of trees and animals like frogs and birds.
Adrian T
9/21/2018 05:53:00 am
When i walked through Mr.B's Backyard classroom i saw chipmunks,mushrooms,groundhog holes,sertain types of birds,and i saw a bullfrog.Mr.B's is a pretty cool place.
9/21/2018 05:53:34 am
My first trip to Mr B's was fun.There was a lot of animals and that made it even more fun.There's so much nature and wildlife there.Mr B's is really cool and greatly established.I love finding out when our class is going to Mr B's.I'm looking forward to learning about all the cool animals there.There's a lot of mushrooms there.There's a lot of different tree's and plants.
9/21/2018 05:53:44 am
I saw a bird and some frogs, maybe some mushroom (witch i DON'T like at all because they give you allergies), i also saw some oak trees.
Haiden g
9/21/2018 05:54:17 am
I very much enjoyed Mr.B backyards. I saw ducks,bullfrogs,birds and turtles.
Haley S.
9/21/2018 05:54:28 am
As I walked through Mr.B's backyard I noticed a lot of different species of animals, including the following ducks,frogs,bees and other insects along the trail. Other things that i observed there was were different types of trees, such as oak,red maple,pine and a blackberry tree. Some physical features that surprised me that there was many groundhog holes, but I didn't see any groundhogs and something else that surprised me was that i saw a female mallard duck swimming by herself with a mate. In future visits I would like to see more animals and more birds in the trees t Mr.B's backyard.
Bella D
9/21/2018 05:54:34 am
I observed all of the mushrooms, frogs, and there was many different types of trees such as pine and red maple. I also could hear crickets chirping by the water. I was very surprised by how big Mr. b's really is, I thought that it would be a small little area with a little pond and a bench. I was also surprised where it was located, I have driven past it every day and didn't notice it. I am looking forward next time to see more varieties of animals that I didn't see the first time.
9/21/2018 05:55:02 am
having the dock was cool because i've never really had one or been on one so it was cool to go on one. Im looking to find snakes and butterflies.I observed all the trails and animals.
9/21/2018 05:55:09 am
I really liked Mr. B's even though there wasn't much to see that time of day. I saw a bullfrog the size of my two hands combined. its quiet and a nice place to think and it would be nice if people would put in new animals or plants. What surprised me though is that there were barely any animals besides the bull frog.I really can't what till the next time we go back there!
9/21/2018 05:55:55 am
I seen I lot of cool things such as ripples in the water and little tad poles.It was really pretty leaving falling of the trees I noticed that the trees were changing colors.I saw a lot of cool things and pretty things.
Leah S
9/21/2018 05:56:13 am
My first time at Mr.B's was vary peace full and quiet there was so much out there were flowers,frogs,trees, and surprised me how big it was out there i am looking forward to going out there next time
9/21/2018 05:56:22 am
Mr.B's backyard classroom is a peaceful place with a lot of animal species,and different type of trees.On my trip to Mr.B's I was able to spot a lot of nature life for an example I saw a bullfrog,Fungi,red maple tree,tree fungi,and a lot of groundhog holes.Mr.B's backyard is a really fasinating place.
Andrea M
9/21/2018 05:56:48 am
I really like MR B's classrooms,there is a lot of different plant and animals,something that surprised is that the was a lot of wooden statues that where shaped as animals,in the future i am forward to have more time there
9/21/2018 05:57:00 am
I observe the bird the bull frog an shelf mushroom. I was so surpised of all the animalin the place. I want to see all the animal next.
9/21/2018 05:57:11 am
This is the most calming and relaxing place that I know. Other than my house. I think it is nice.I think it is cool.
9/21/2018 05:57:23 am
Mr.B's is a nice peace full place to go. I sat on a bench for more than half of the time. I was surprised how many animals where there where with kids around! We did not see much in the morning but if you sit and listen you can hear so much! I feel as though I am my in my element! I love Mr.B's!!
9/21/2018 06:49:54 am
I saw many different species. I saw an oak tree,a type of fungi,and a dragon fly! I also saw a bullfrog. It was big, dark green,and when it hopped in the water it let out a big croak. I'm looking forward to see Mr.B's in the Spring and Nature Fest. I can't wait!
9/21/2018 06:51:38 am
During my first trip to Mr.B's, one thing I observed was all the beautiful wildlife there was everywhere you looked. There were many species of birds in the sky, such as Canadian geese and a great blue heron. As well as frogs and tadpoles in the pond. I noticed how many types of trees and plants there were. I hope that next time I get to take a trip to Mr.B's, I get to see a turtle in the pond.
9/21/2018 06:51:51 am
I had a very good experience at Mr.B's backyard classroom. When I walked in I noticed two ponds , they surprised me because the pounds were a lot bigger than I expected. There was plenty of wild life including trees and animals. Having walked the paths they were very enjoyable it was a nice break in the middle of school. I would be very grateful to go back to the outside classroom again.
9/21/2018 06:52:32 am
On my first 7th grade visit to Mr. B's backyard classroom, I noticed a lot. When I visited in 6th grade, I only thought there was one trail. However when i visited in 7th grade, there were in fact, two trails. What surprised me was seeing a frog that didn't jump away when I saw it. In future visits, I hope to see and learn about more interesting wildlife.
9/21/2018 06:53:44 am
I had a blast at Mr. B's Backyard Classroom! I observed many things, including a bullfrog, a flock of Canadian geese, chickadees, and a couple chipmunks. Some thing that surprised me was the bullfrog's deep call. When I heard it, I thought it was a big animal. Then, after Mrs. Sommers told me it was a frog, I started laughing! In future visits, I hope to see some snakes and some tadpoles.
9/21/2018 06:54:13 am
To someone who is “Not an outside person,” like me, a trip to an area that is completely centered around nature doesn't sound like a fun time. And now that I think about it, if I thought that way through the whole experience then it would've been just that: boring. But if you make nothing out of somethings that's all you're going to get. But instead I tried to have a good time and what I found was a large area full of nature, whether it was groundhogs, to bullfrogs, to the baby dragonfly that landed on my paper. Walking through it I found the more I looked closely at things the better time I had. When I heard that our time was running out, I grew sad, and at this very moment the idea of going back sounds really exciting. All the animals I got the privilege of seeing did fascinate me, but the thing that surprised me the most was how much fun I ended up having.
4/26/2019 06:42:00 am
too deep
4/26/2019 06:42:21 am
That's what she said
9/21/2018 06:54:24 am
I was surprised to learn that bullfrogs float. I saw a lot of mushrooms. I am looking forward to see more animals.
9/21/2018 06:55:35 am
It was a very relaxing strole. There was lots of wildlife noises and animals. I saw and head a bullfrog. I would really enjoy going again jus to be there.
9/21/2018 06:57:14 am
My first visit to Mr. B's in 7th was very exciting. I saw that there were groundhogs around the path. Also, birds of different sizes were flying above my head. When a friend of mine showed me a tree, I saw a bug that looked a lot like the bark of the tree. When I come to Mr.B's again, I hope that I can teach others about some of the different birds around here. I can also teach them how to identify them by what they look like, what sounds they make and many more things.
9/21/2018 06:57:47 am
A few things that I observed at Mr.B's Backyard Classroom were that there was tons of different types of animals, plants, and fungi. I saw everything from a frog and it's tadpoles, to a puffball mushroom. One thing that definitely surprised me was how big the area was. At my old school they used to have an outdoor classroom but all it had was a little stream, but this had to huge ponds and tons of wildlife. In future visits I'm definitely looking forward to studying all the plants and animals because I definitely see it all. Overall, it was a really amazing experience and and I can't wait to go back.
9/21/2018 07:37:37 am
I observed all the different animals and all the different wildlife in Mr. B's. We found a lot of different animals such as, dragonflies, chipmunks, geese, birds, bullfrogs, and northern water snakes. We also saw and learned about many different types of fungi and mushrooms. I was very surprised by all of the animals and wildlife living in Mr.B's. I am looking forward to learning more about the wildlife, now that I know what to expect.
9/21/2018 07:37:59 am
My first grade 7th grade visit to Mr.Bee's was really fun. I observed fungi, puff ball, and other mushrooms all around the paths. I also saw groundhog holes throughout the paths too. When we were walking along the trail, we stopped and heard something. It was a bullfrog, and it was just sitting on the bank along the water. It was big and the coloring was cool, between the greens and yellows.That was a surprise for us to see because we didn't expect to see a bullfrog that was that close to us. I am looking forward to learning about the animals more in future visits. I want to be able to teach others about animals that live there like turtles,frogs,snakes,birds and I can't wait to do the Nature Fest.
9/21/2018 07:38:15 am
When I was at Mr. B's, I saw lots of animals. I saw a chipmunk. it was very vast so I didn't see it for that long. I also saw lots of mushrooms. There were lots of birds there. I am always exited when I go to Mr B's.
9/21/2018 07:42:30 am
My first visit to Mr. B's backyard classroom was surprising and exciting. I was surprised that the entire backyard classroom was all natural! I observed many different species in Mr. B's, like the Eastern King bird, Bullfrogs and many more things! I am looking forward to learning more about the environment through Mr's B's Backyard classroom.
9/21/2018 07:50:57 am
I was not expecting Mr.B's to be as large as it was. The pond held tadpoles, bullfrogs, and snakes, Although fish didn't inhabit the pond, it still held many different types of species. Something that surprised me was how all the trees looked so natural around the man made pond. I also didn't expect the high pitched squeak that the bullfrog made when it was scared. I look forward to seeing and identifying more unique types of wildlife in its natural habitat. Over all Mr. B's was a fun and different way to learn and experience nature.
9/21/2018 11:01:48 am
I observed many things including, bird houses, turtles, frogs, and tadpoles. One thing that surprised me is how big the area is. I am looking forward to exploring some more and seeing a bigger variety of animals.
9/21/2018 11:01:56 am
there was a lot of cool things i saw in Mr. B's backyard. I saw fish, frogs, and lots of different plants and trees. i'm looking forward to seeing turtles
hailey h
9/21/2018 11:02:05 am
i observed that there isn't a lot of grass as their was last year. there were a lot of birds and bird houses. the thing that surprised me the most was that i didn't see any turtles where last time i came there were many turtles. i am looking foward to seeing many different animals and presenting for the nture fest and many other fun things this year
9/21/2018 11:04:43 am
When I visted Mr.B's for the first time, I observed the wildlife and my surroundings I noticed that there are two ponds. The ponds where dry when I first came so that surprised me and the reason I want to come back because I am interested in the birds and the speices the live there.
9/21/2018 11:05:44 am
Some stuff that I observed was that there were a lot of pond plants on the pond barrier and that there were lots of mushrooms. Something that surprised me was that even though the backyard was small it had so much life in it. Also something I look forward to in future visits is to see more wildlife.
9/21/2018 11:06:05 am
i did not go because i was out
9/21/2018 11:06:27 am
The things I observed, were frogs, algae, insects, plants, snakes, fireflies, oak trees, mushrooms, and crickets. What surprised me was the frogs. It surprised me because, I've never seen frogs up close, in person before, so it was very fascinating to see them in the flesh. What I'm looking forward to seeing next time I go here, is too see different creatures besides, frogs, spiders, etc.
9/21/2018 11:07:01 am
I obsevered frogs,snakes and more. I was honestly suprised there was more animals than i expected and this was bigger than I thought. I'd like to see more creatures next time.
9/21/2018 11:09:42 am
In mr.b's back yard was such a cool experience what i observe was nature in its natural habitat living the life that they live.Other things that surprised me that i didnt see any snakes and animals like that. I'm looking towards nature fest.
9/21/2018 11:10:19 am
There were a lot of snakes,frogs,different types of trees, and different types of plants. I was surprised that there is that much water in the pond because that all comes from rain. I'm looking forward to going again.
9/21/2018 11:10:47 am
I observed many different animals, objects. For example, I observed that the ponds had green water, there was also a water measure that measure the level of the water. Also, there were there were a lot of cat tails in the water. Something that surprised me was that there wasn't many animals out then. I am looking forward to my next visit because I want to see more wildlife and trees.
9/21/2018 11:11:06 am
I saw that there were some bull frogs, tadpoles, cat tail, holes in the ground, and lots of pine needles.
9/21/2018 11:11:26 am
I observed many things at Mr.B's. There are many trees,birds,mushrooms,frogs, and bugs. I was surprised at the size of Mr.B's as well as the size of some of the frogs that were on the banks. I look forward to going to Mr.B's in the spring to see what kind of life is there and compare my visits.
9/21/2018 11:12:09 am
I saw a bullfrog, a Northern Water Snake, and some tadpools. You could hear birds chirping and crickets. Something that surprised me was that the pond was bigger than I thought it would be. Certain animals only come out at certain times and tempertures. I am looking forward to seeing if there will be different animals out the next time I go.
9/21/2018 11:12:15 am
When I went to Mr.B's backyard for the first time I was amazed.Since there was different types of flowers, frogs,birds and more.There were even ground hog holes too.You can also, find benches to have a nice view of the pond.What surprised me the most was when near the exit were these bright,beautiful,big flowers.
9/21/2018 11:12:56 am
My visit to mr.B's backyard classroom was fun! I observed many things like mushrooms,groundhog holes,froges,diffrent trees,dragon flys, catale reeds,and more. I liked every thing about mr.B's I really like nature so its a really fun place for me to be and there is so much life in the two ponds .
9/21/2018 11:14:58 am
I observed many species of plants, animals, and fungi such as the Puffball, Red Maple, Northern water snakes, Sassafras trees, Golden rod wild flowers, and many more. The amazing species of plants surprised me. I am looking forward to seeing wild herbs that grow in Mr. B's backyard.
9/23/2018 10:15:26 am
Mr.B’s was really fun! We observe many creatures in and around the pound. I was surprised by the snake,frogs, and turtles the poked out once in a while. I personally look forward to learn the creatures that live in Mr.B’s backyard classroom!
9/24/2018 04:24:42 am
This was my first time going to Mr.Bs and it was amazing. I observed the frogs croaking, the song birds sing, and the tadpoles jumping in and out of the water. It surprised me how big the area is and how the animals adapt in the nature. I hope in next visits I get a chance to learn more about snakes and see them in Mr.Bs backyard classroom.
9/26/2018 10:09:36 am
Mr.B's backyard classroom is fun! One thing the was interesting was that their was many types of species of animals and tree's. One thing the surprise me is that a turtle,snake, and frog poke their heads out!
9/26/2018 10:12:49 am
As someone that was able to see Mr.B's in 5th grade, Seeing kit again was amazing. I got to see the place remember old memories that were funny of presenting here, and enjoying the 2 hours we had that me and my friends in 6th grade used to goof off! My First 7th grade visit wasn't any different then my first. I didn't observe much just the pictures Mrs. Somers showed us and the trees and fly's. In furture visits what im looking foward to is seeing the wildlife with my own eyes.
9/26/2018 12:11:17 pm
What I saw at Mr.b's was one bird's nest,Many Pine Trees,Many flowers,a couple egg corns,a lot of ground hog holes,Yarrows,plants and ect. What surprised me was of how many ground hogs lived in Mr.b's backyard. Also how big the ponds are. What I look forward to is on the projects we will be doing in Mr.b's I feel like it will be a very fun experience .
nadiah harley
9/26/2018 03:54:47 pm
Some stuff that i observed at Mr.B's was bird nest,pine trees,blue weeds.acorns(lots),ground hog holes,frogs,and pine cone and lots more!Next what i look for word to in future visits is hopefully seeing the ground hogs and turtles.Last i look forward too the nature feast!!
Christine J.
9/26/2018 04:22:52 pm
When I first stepped into Mr.B's backyard the first thing that caught my eyes was the pond. As I got closer to the pond I noticed a few tadpoles swimming through the pond. I also noticed how peaceful the backyard was. There was a lot of different trees growing in Mr.B's backyard. Different trees meaning a lot of different tree leaves. Most of them you can identify with the smell. I was very surprised by the size of the backyard. When someone says backyard you really don't expect a mini forest. I was also surprised at the amount of animal life in the backyard. Its not just squirrels. It contains many different species of reptiles. Next time I visit Mr.B's backyard I want to be able to explore the whole thing. I only manage to explore 1/4 of it last time.
11/13/2018 03:53:23 pm
As I first set foot onto Mr B's backyard what first caught my eye was the pond because from the last visit to Mr.B's I saw a interesting pattern made of algae floating on top of the pond, this visit I noticed that there were no patterns of algae at all floating on top of our pond at all. What surprised me was that I saw a Northern Water Snake laying near the pond, close to shore. The snake was black and had a small pattern under its belly. The next time I set foot on to Mr.B's I would like to see more interesting flowers, plants, and animals/plants.
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