5/20/2015 04:21:23 am
I have learned that macroinvertebrates have no back bone and can be seen with the naked eye. What surprised me was how snakes can keep there head up above the water without drowning. Also at how fast ground hogs can run.
It was so cool to see so many different macroinvertebrates gathered in one spot. I was really surprised that the dragonfly looked like a spider. Though my favorite was Damselfly. It was just so tiny and different than what I was used to seeing. Macroinvertebrates are cool.
Priya P
5/20/2015 08:39:27 am
The Macroinvertabrates in mr.b's make up most of the population.Many things there suprised me one of which is that dragonfly nymphs spend up to 4years of their life under water and that snails have lungs.I learned that Macroinvertabrates are animals without a spine some examples are tadpoles, dragonflies, and snails. In mr.b's there many types of Macroinvertabrates and everyone of them has a special thing about them making them unique in every way
Noah Hughes
5/20/2015 11:05:43 am
I've learned why macro-invertebrates are important for the Earth, and what They are and what they do for the environment. What I thought surprised me was when my friend and I caught a Tadpole. WITH LEGS! It was very exhilarating when we were catching the tadpoles.
Jessica MichelottiJ
5/21/2015 02:50:39 am
We learned about the environment and how it is important in the food chain and what they need and do to survive. The Mallard Duck and the lots of water snakes surprised me that day.
Logan H
5/21/2015 05:09:41 am
I learned a lot of new things about macroinvertebrates. I never knew that they were at the bottom of the food chain. I learned that so many things eat macroinvertebrates and that without them life for animals would be very hard. I was surprised that macroinvertebrates were such a big help in the environment.
Uche wokocha
5/21/2015 05:37:28 am
Most macroinvertibrets are insects. What surprised me were that most of the flying insects start off in the water. Like dragonflies and damselflies. I also saw how small toad tadpoles are and how big bullfrog tadpoles
Khushi Parikh
5/21/2015 06:13:41 am
I learned that macroinvertebrates are animals that have no backbone and can be seen with the naked eye. These animals generally include insects, crustaceans, mollusks, arachnids, and annelids. Something that was surprising to me about them was how they are really important and help the environment. Another thing that was surprising were their sizes and how they varied from small to big.
5/21/2015 07:13:33 am
What I learned about macroinvertebrates is the meaning of what it meant and the different types of macroinvertebrates. I also learned what a damselfly is and the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly.
5/21/2015 07:22:51 am
Something that I learned about macroinvertebrates is that you don't need a microscope to see them. The macroinvertebrates are big enough to see without a microscope. something that surprised me that I learned or saw is that the dragonflies and damselflies walk at first and then they start to fly. Also, as they get bigger the skin on top comes out and then they could start to fly after that.
5/21/2015 07:25:36 am
I learned that macroinvertebrates usually live in water at some point in their lives. I also learned that macroinvertebrates are often bugs like dragon flies. Nothing truly surprised me about these organisms but I found much of the new information fascinating. In conclusion I enjoyed the lesson on macroinvertebrates.
Michael Daniels
5/21/2015 07:30:38 am
I learned that macroinvertebrates have no backbone and that you can see them.What really surprised me is that there are so many different species that fall under the category, macroinvertebrates.
Aryan C
5/21/2015 08:20:14 am
I learned lots of cool things about micro invertebrates. One thing I learned about micro invertebrates is how small they are! But something that really surprised me was how meany could fit in such a small space. Those a few things I learned about micro invertebrates while in Mr. B's backyard.
Mark F
5/21/2015 09:43:21 am
What I learned about macroinvertebrates is that they are complex.Some of them live most if not all of it in the water. Damselfly and dragonfly's start by living in the water and then progressively climb out and shed out of an outer shell.I found this very interesting.
5/21/2015 09:59:25 am
I learned that macroinvertebrates can indicate water quality. Certain macroinvertebrates species live in certain water quality.
Noah Hughes
5/21/2015 09:18:04 pm
What I learned is that why macroinvertebrates are important to the Earth.What surprised me was when me and my friend caught a tadpole. WITH LEGS! It was very exile rating catching the tadpole.
Dakota Palumbo
5/21/2015 09:53:26 pm
What I learned about the macroinvertebrates is that you cannot see them with the naked eye. What surprised me about macroinvertebrates is that they include small tadpole.
Brenden Hershman
5/21/2015 09:55:21 pm
What i learned about macroinvertebraes is that they are living things that are seen by the naked eye. They are interesting and they have different features which help them to adapt to their surroundings. I am surprised that there are so many different kinds of macroinvertebraes.
james Scott
5/24/2015 02:42:34 am
The things that I love about microenvironments blew my mind. Completely especially the fact that they are so important in such a big factor in the Mr B's environment and its growth. Now the fact that it is or organism without a spine. that is that is very cool. But the mostly shocked me also the fact that there are so many of them inside of the Mr B's environment. Overall in conclusion microenvironments especially important to Mr B's and I hope that we continue to get more more supporting information on them.
Madison B
5/25/2015 01:38:44 am
We recently learned about macro-invertebrates. Macro-invertebrates are organisms with no backbone that you can see with your naked eye. I was surprised to learn that some macro-invertebrates are sensitive to pollution and acid in the water. So people can tell the acid level and pollution level by the types of macro-invertebrates there are. I was surprised to see dragonfly skin. Dragonflies can live up to four years i water before they come outside the water and fly.
Gracie H.
5/25/2015 02:27:13 am
I learned not only how to spell macroinvertebrates correctly, I also learned the purpose of these macroorganisms. Macroinvertebrates are very small, but are visible to the naked eye. Also, they serve as food for animals larger and stronger than themselves. These spineless animals are an indicator species, meaning that they indicate something about nature. In this case, they indicate the water quality, whether it is the quality of the water in the ponds at Mr.B's or a larger lake or even sea. I was surprised to learn that such a small animal could decide something so important to not only the human race, but other animals as well.
Sydney S
5/25/2015 11:19:05 am
When my class went out to learn about macro invertebrates, we learned many things about them. We learned that there were many organisms living in such a small area. We also learned that these organisms have no backbone and are visible to the naked eye. I was surprised that there were that many creatures in such a small area.
5/25/2015 11:19:54 am
After having taken part in the macroinvertebrates study, I really got a feel for what that meant. For such a big name, they really aren't all that big. "Visible organisms without backbones" was my correct definition of them. I am glad that I really got to learn that so I could show off later in life. Also, I was very surprised to find that so many insects that I already knew fell into this category, (dragonflies, damselflies, etc.) And the fact that you can tell how clean the water is just by observing these organisms that live there blew my mind. All in all, if we were to go out there another 10 times, I would not turn down the offer.
5/25/2015 12:24:07 pm
I learned that macroinvertebrates are everywhere! You can just go outside and see one without even realizing it. What I learned that surprised me was that macroinvertebrates don't have a vertebral column and will not develop one. What I saw that surprised me is how fast some of them are. In the buckets some of them were just zooming around.
Samantha Adams
5/25/2015 08:19:59 pm
Macroinvertebrates are spineless, microscopic, and they start the food chain. If the macroinvertebrates didn't exist then all the other animals wouldn't either. The macroinvertebrates are very small, but a nice sized meal to the animals that are next in the food chain, then the next, and so on.
Alex Rupsee
5/25/2015 09:54:23 pm
There were so much to learn about macroinvertebrates in Mr. B's. A very kind guest speaker came to talk about them and teach us the importance of the world of macroinvertebrates. Together, my classmates and I learned why macroinvertebrates are as important as they are. We learned about their importance for water quality and more. They help a lot to determine whether water is polluted or not. Macroinvertebrates have lots of importance to help us know about species in the water. They can help tell if there are lots of leeches in a body of water or not. The guest speaker showed us examples, and we got to tinker around observing these species. There might not seem to be any importance in macroinvertebrates, but trust me, they really are a good species to know about!
5/25/2015 10:16:59 pm
I learned that macro vertebrates are the base of Mr.B's food chain being food for reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. I was totally surprised to learn that dragonfly nymphs live in the water for four years.
5/25/2015 10:20:00 pm
I learned that macro invertebrates are organisms that are large enough to be seen with a naked eye, they also have no backbone. They are the base of the food chain.
Michelle T
5/25/2015 10:23:34 pm
I learned that macro invertebrates are small creatures that can be seen with the naked eye. They can be used to check water quality and are the base of the food web. I was surprised that macro invertebrates were so important to an ecosystem.
5/25/2015 10:26:54 pm
I have learned that macroinvertebrates are something you can see with the naked eye. Also, I have learned that "macro" means something big which is weird because macroinvertebrates are really small, but they're bigger than microinvertebrates.
Jada P.
5/25/2015 10:31:25 pm
I learned that macro invertebrates are small organisms that do not have spines and can be seen by the naked eye. In Mr.B's I have seen a wide variety of them. What surprised me though, is the damselflies and the dragonflies and the differences between them. They both come in many different colors and skim across the water so gracefully! It is so cool to watch them fly around you when your'e out there.
5/26/2015 09:28:50 am
I learned that macroinvertebrates are mostly fresh water dwellers. You can see them with an naked eye and some of them are first level consumers, while other like nymphs can be second level consumers. Some of the species found is, Bullfrog tadpoles and Bullfrogs, certain types of Dragonflies, and snails. They are mostly found in freshwater ponds.
Lizzy Z
5/26/2015 10:07:10 am
What I learned about macro invertebrates was that they don't have spines. Also macro invertebrates stands for invertebrates that you can see with your eyes and not a microscope. They are also very important to the food chain. What surprised me most about macro invertebrates was that the dragonflies start off as bugs with no wings and go through almost the same development pattern as butterflies. They start off with the their eggs being layed in the water with no wings. Then it takes about four years to completely develop their wings and body.
Maddy. M
5/26/2015 10:17:05 am
Macro invertebrates are very unique creatures . I have learned many things about them that I would have never guessed. Macro invertebrates are animals that have no backbone and can be seen with your eyes. Also , another interesting fact about this unique creatures is that they are very important in the food chain. It surprised me when I was able to see how many macro invertebrates were at Mr.B's when we were walking around.
Angie D.
5/26/2015 10:29:07 am
Some of the things I have learned about macroinvertebrates are that they are usually small water organisms. Most of them are food for bigger creatures, like frogs. Macroinvertebrates are not microscopic, this means we can see them with out a microscope. Some things that supersized me about macroinvertebrates is how different the nymphs ( baby insects) and adults look. They don't grow in size but their shape changes.
Krisha P.
5/26/2015 10:59:40 am
I learned about macro- invertebrates is that they do no have bones like us humans. Another is that they are visible to the eye without the aid of a microscope,and another is Aquatic macro-invertebrates live on, under, and around rocks and sediment on the bottoms of lakes, rivers, and streams.
Makael R
5/27/2015 02:12:26 am
Macro-invertebrates are small organisms that can be seen with the naked eye and do not have spines. The things that surprised me most were the bullfrog tadpoles! They are so much bigger than smaller ones.
5/27/2015 07:02:45 am
I learned that macro invertebrates are animals without back bones which surprised me. They are also large enough to be seen with a naked eye.
5/27/2015 11:55:21 am
Something that surprised me about Macro-invertebrates is that they'er is so many in Mr. B's. Another thing that surprised me is that Dragonflies look like spiders when they live their first years in life as a spider.
Chris A
5/27/2015 09:20:02 pm
I have learned that macro invertebrates are complicated. They have no back bone and mostly live in the water. They can be seen from the human eye with no help needed. Some move fast and others move slow. Each one is different from one another in a way. It's amazing to see how much of these small organisms can live in a pond and survive.
Ali Aazan
5/27/2015 09:49:39 pm
I learned macroinvertabrates have no backbone unlike us humans. Macroinvertabrates are very cool creatures. They are very small. A lot of these can fit in a small area is what surprised me. I really enjoyed seeing macroinvertabrates in Mr. B's Backyard.
Michael Fitten
5/27/2015 10:43:22 pm
I learned a lot about the macroinvertobrets. I learned that not microscopic they are just pretty small. Also they love sunlight. They eat microscopic organism and are eaten by tadpoles.
Grace V.
5/27/2015 11:34:06 pm
I've found after every visit to Mr. B's, I always come out with new and more information than I had before I came in! A bit ago, we learned about Macroinvertebrates. These are interest critters that have no spine and are small, but are still visible to the naked eye. We studied these organisms up close and found some not so pleasant sights but were non the less, interesting. We were taught how many macroinverterbrates are the larva of many bugs. One thing that really surprised me was how long dragonflies stay in the water. They stay in the water for four years until they climb up on land and fly!
Laiba K.
5/27/2015 11:35:27 pm
I learned that when an organism that has no backbone it is a macroinvertibrae, marcroinvertabrae are also very small, they cant be seen with the naked eye. What surprised me we was how small it was! You needed a microscope to see it(thus the micro in macroinvertibrae)
Talia Timberlake
5/28/2015 01:32:06 am
What surprised me the most about Macro-invertebrates was that their animals without back bones. I never knew until now that there are animals without back bones.
5/28/2015 01:33:17 am
I learned that macro-invertebrates can be seem with the naked eye. Also that they do not have a backbone. I learned that dragon flies spend four years in the water then for two mounths come out onto the kand
Mia M
5/28/2015 11:37:02 am
I learned that macro invertebrates are small organisms that are very small. They don't have a back bone and can be seen with the naked eye. I was surprised to see so many different types of insects, snakes, birds and many more out at Mr.B's.
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