5/23/2019 05:37:53 am
what i learned about them is that there very small.there at the bottom of the food chain.u cant see them when there in the water. if you wanted to see them you would have to move the water around.there on the edge of the surface.there are in dark places in the water. usually not in the middle of like the pond.
Leah S
5/23/2019 05:43:07 am
What surprised about macroinvertebrates is that there are so many different types of them and how small they are. Macroinvertebrates are important because they are consumers of algae and other organic matter. So they help the water quality.
5/23/2019 05:44:17 am
I learned that there very little and they usually are on the edege of a surface also that they are hard to spot.They also usually stay under rocks.They are very important because they are at the bottom of the food chain.
5/23/2019 05:44:45 am
While we were at Mr. B's for the Macroinvertebrates lesson I learned some surprising things. By far one of the things that surprised me the most was that macroinvertebrates can tell levels of pollution, you can't tell me that's not cool. Macroinvertebrates are also very important for that reason.
Evan Blake
5/23/2019 05:46:18 am
What I learned about the macroinvertebrates is that they are pollution intolerant. They hate it so much that when the water has a lot of pollution they will start to die off. When the water ambassadors come to check the water they check to see how many of those fish are in there. If there is a lot there is most likely no pollution. if there is not a lot of them there is pollution in the water.
5/23/2019 05:47:56 am
Macroinvertebrates help thing in Mr.Bś live and with out them Mr.Bś would not be what it is today
5/23/2019 06:38:41 am
Something that I learned about macroinvertibrates that surprised me was that they can help you tell the water quality. They are important because they upport the food chain and food web greatly.
Clara Brust
5/23/2019 06:41:38 am
I learned how macroinvertebrates can help determine the water quality. I didn't realize you could tell so much just by knowing what swims in the water. That is one reason they are important, as well as the fact that they support the majority of the food web. Being one of the smallest organisms in the food chain, many other organisms get their energy from macroinvertebrates.
5/23/2019 06:44:02 am
I learned that Macroinvertebrates don't have spines. I also learned that there are many different types of Macroinvertebrates like pollution tolerant and pollution intolerant.
5/23/2019 06:47:50 am
I learned that most macroinvertebrates is that they don't have a spine. Most macroinvertebrates are tiny and living organisms that live in the water. It was very fun seeing them!
Colin :)
5/23/2019 06:49:56 am
Macroinvertebrates are organisms that you can see with the naked eye and organisms that have no spine. They are important to our environment because they serve a vital place in the food chain, eating and being eaten, and they also can tell scientists weather water in an area is polluted or not.
5/23/2019 06:54:23 am
I learned things about macro-invertebrates like how there is three levels of how much an organism is tolerant to pollution. The first level is pollution intolerant meaning that it can not take much pollution in the water. The next level is pollution tolerant meaning that it can live and survive in water that has pollution in it. The last level is in between the two, meaning that the organism can't take lots of pollution but with stand most of it. Another thing I learned is that if all three levels of organisms is found then the body of water is healthy. Macro-invertebrates are important because they support higher levels of the food web. They eat food but also provide food for larger things.
5/23/2019 06:56:18 am
Macroinvertebrates are animals without a spine that you can see with a naked eye. They are important because they tell the pollution level of water.
5/23/2019 07:41:27 am
The macroinvertebrates lesson taught/reinforced the fact that the food chain/food web has to start somewhere. The tiniest organisms feed bigger organisms which feed bigger organisms. I’m also pretty sure some of the macroinvertebrates we saw are consumers as well, which means there’s even smaller creatures.
5/23/2019 07:50:35 am
I learned that macro-invertebrates are tiny organisms that have no spine. This was very interesting because I saw many different ones like snails and aquatic worms. They are important because they can tell how polluted or healthy a body of water is. This lesson was very interesting and I enjoyed it very much.
5/23/2019 10:44:01 am
i learned that some of them are tolerant and intolerant to the poution in the water.
5/23/2019 10:46:11 am
mr b is fun place to be in and you pay attention to everything
Chance Henderson
5/23/2019 10:47:09 am
I learned a lot about macro invertebrates this week in Mr. B's. I was surprised about how important macro invertebrates are to the environments. I was surprised to learn that scientists use them.
leah richardson
5/23/2019 10:49:16 am
I learned that these kinds of animals can live in different places. Some can stand pollution but some will die. There are types that can stand a small amount and some that cant stand any at all.
Adrian Terrero
5/23/2019 10:51:26 am
I learned that macroinvertebrate's lack a spine and they are able to be seen. Also macroinvertebrate's are types of animals like,flat worms,crayfish,snails,clams,and insects.
5/23/2019 10:53:06 am
I learned that there were many different insects in mr b's.
5/23/2019 10:53:26 am
I was so supprised over how many microverdibates were in the water we found boutmen beetels,leaches,damselflys,snails,and much more
5/23/2019 10:56:41 am
The surprising things about macro invertebrates is that they looked very different from animals an insects, another thing is that you have to have very little movement in order to see the organisms, because they are very small. Also they are very important because they are the main food that other organisms eat, such as fish, which gets eaten by other animals.
Kyler Martinez
5/23/2019 10:56:50 am
I was surprised that macro invertebrates are so important to figure out pollution and for food.
Jason Crawford
5/23/2019 10:57:35 am
That they can tell you the water quality of the water in that area. Like in Mr.B's the water quality is in the middle because we found many of each macroinvertebrates level. What surprised me was that macroinvertebrates can also tell the pollution of the water.
Cynthia Moreno
5/23/2019 11:14:17 am
I learned that macroinvertebrates are organisms that do not have a spine and are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Most of them are aquatic insects and they are used as bait in some cases. They are also used to test the quality of the water which is like saying if the water has a lot of pollution, has a bit of pollution, or has a medium amount of pollution.
5/23/2019 05:23:50 pm
I thought the macroinvertebrates lab was fun we got to learn about different macroinvertebrates and how they determine water quality.
5/24/2019 06:22:01 am
Learning about macroinvertebrates was one of the highlights of my science class. To think that so many organisms can live in such a small area, its just awesome. It was a cool thing to know that the type of macroinvertebrates can determine the quality of the water. I did not even know what a macroinvertebrates were until this day and I now know how important they are.
nadiah harley
5/24/2019 10:12:27 am
Something that I learned that surprised me was that organisms can tell you about the water quality. Theres a high quality which can tolerate all pollution. Next is middle quality which can tolerate some pollution and lastly low which can't tolerate pollution at all.
5/25/2019 07:43:56 am
I was very surprised just to see just how many macroinvertebrates there really are under the water. I never actually see all the different species that live in the water and it was cool to see. Macroinvertebrates are important because they serve as food for other animals and they help tell humans the water quality of ponds, lakes, etc.
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