Specifically, what did you learn this year in Mr. B's Backyard Classroom? What did you like about your topic and Nature Fest? What is your favorite memory and final thoughts about Mr. B's Backyard Classroom?
6/9/2022 06:47:09 am
Mr.b”s backyard is like the purpose of nature. There is so much stuff you can see and learn.
6/9/2022 06:47:31 am
Mr B’s backyard was a cool experience and we got to learn a lot about animals and nature. I learned a lot of new stuff. My favorite nature fest project was the ones about oceans.
6/9/2022 06:47:41 am
I learned about different types of trees this year and different types of animals. Nature fest was really fun and i learned about lots of different snakes. My favorite memory was nature fest.
6/9/2022 06:47:59 am
I learned about the different plants and snakes there. Overall, I think that Mr.B’s was a fun activity to do in our science class. The Nature Fest was my favorite memory there because of how you get to go on your own and learn about any poster you want to.
Madison Lanterman
6/9/2022 06:48:07 am
I learned a lot about frogs, I enjoyed the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act stand, I got these awesome bamboo utensils that I will be using for as long as I have them. I liked seeing all of the different things around and all the people I saw. There were a lot of variations in the presentations and I got to hang out with friends. Nature Fest is a very entertaining and cool thing that I believe should be done every year.
Violet Golden
6/9/2022 06:48:25 am
I learned at Mr. B’s backyard nature fest that there is a new plastic pollution act that bans plastic bags this year. Mr. B's has lots of native trees and animals to learn about and very nice walking trails around the pond. There are newly planted native trees. You can watch the turtles on the log.
6/9/2022 06:48:43 am
This is what i learn this year i learned that snakes shed up to 3 feet and they ate tampons and i learned about diamondbacks and there predator was foxes
Ava Trujillo
6/9/2022 06:49:24 am
I learned from mr bees and nature fest that it all revolves around nature of course for example mr bees itself is extremely fun and exciting I liked it. In the beginning because we didn't have to do work and just walk around, relax, talk it was nice. Aside that nature fest itself was fun even the work itself I didn't mind. For example I went to a stand and that stand had a fact about how Germany is the country that composts the most over all this experience was very joyful and pleasant.
6/9/2022 06:49:32 am
The backyard is very educational. It can teach kids about so many new things not only that but you can interact with biotic things!
wilfrid jason
6/9/2022 06:49:46 am
I learned mr bees is a nice place his backyard teaches me about nature and different things about plants and animals and trees
McKenna Staub
6/9/2022 06:49:56 am
I learned in Mr B’s backyard that 14 tons of plastic end up in the ocean and kill sea creatures. We should all use glass containers, not plastic, for the sea creatures. In addition, composting has been around for 1200 years.
javon jones
6/9/2022 06:50:02 am
6/9/2022 06:50:30 am
One memory at Mr. Bs backyard that was my favorite was everything, because everything there was very educational and I learned a lot from everything there.
6/9/2022 06:50:44 am
I learned that composting has been around 12000 years. Also only 72% of Americans don't compost. Composting helps plants in a way and a lot with recycling.
6/9/2022 06:51:44 am
I've learned from Mr B's backyard that there can be many different types of trees,plants,animals,insects and other things. And my favorite memory is the nature fest and walking around with my friends there.
Tanner brenner
6/9/2022 06:52:12 am
I've learned from Mr B's backyard that there can be many different types of trees,plants,animals,insects and other things. And my favorite memory is the nature fest and walking around with my friends there.
Melissa Sanchez-melo
6/9/2022 06:53:19 am
I learned a lot of facts about animals,insects,plants, and plastic. My favorite presentation was about the plastic pollution reduction act. It starts on may 4th 2022. Nj clean communities funds 500,000. It will be put to the side enavally for the first three years. It had many more facts about recycling. The people at the narute fest where all really nice and i hope to see them again.
6/9/2022 08:20:46 am
I didn’t really learn much about Mr.B’s but my favorite memory about it is that I got to see a lot of my friends from different schools and look at their projects.
6/9/2022 08:21:39 am
Mr.B’s classroom taught me how to be more environmentally friendly, and it also was really fun! As a newcomer, it was really unique as an experience. I really enjoyed all the stands that were there.
6/9/2022 08:22:13 am
I loved the nature fest. We should do it more often. and my favorite one was about the snake and the soil tunnel and that they gave us water. I loved how the soil tunnel had a scavenger hunt. It was fun and a great way to get your point across.
6/9/2022 08:22:55 am
I learned a lot of things about butterflies, river otters, dinosaur fossils, fish, and sharks, and a lot more just from nature fest. My favorite memory is getting to see a snake and getting to learn about river otters. Mr. B’s backyard is really cool and I love that people are improving just to keep it going.
6/9/2022 08:23:06 am
This year's Nature Fest was an awesome experience. I enjoyed every minute that we were out there. Everyone was super kind, and their presentations were great! They also gave out some cool prizes if you won their games. Overall it was a really fun experience!
6/9/2022 08:23:41 am
Water company was great me and my friend learned about purifying water
6/9/2022 08:24:27 am
I really liked the presentation where you did a scavenger hunt on the side of the softball field.
6/9/2022 08:24:34 am
The nature fest was really fun. I loved the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. It was so fun when I got to spin the wheel and learn a new fact.
Christian Lopez
6/9/2022 08:24:41 am
I liked Nature Fest. I was intrigued about so many things,like,The saber tooth tiger skull,the velociraptor skull,I hope they add new things
6/9/2022 08:24:58 am
I liked that we got to actually interact with some animals.
6/9/2022 08:25:08 am
My favorite thing at nature fest was filling out things I learned by the projects and learning new things. My favorite project was Oscar Euceda’s project because he was very entertaining and provided entertainment for his guests. I enjoyed seeing company’s come out of their way to visit our school to teach something about what they work for.
6/9/2022 08:25:08 am
Nature Fest was amazing. I had so much fun walking around, playing trivia, and winning prizes. I was really intrigued by the Sea otters, they can hold their breath for 8 minutes. That is impossible.
6/9/2022 08:25:37 am
I learned that you can't put diapers in the toilet. And it can clog the toilet.my favorite memory was when i got water from that one truck and i was very happy. Another memory was when i got in the tesla and i got yelled at.
6/9/2022 08:25:51 am
I really liked the bee one where i found out a paper wasp can grow to 1.9-3.2 inches long and played a game for an origami bee
6/9/2022 08:26:48 am
I liked learning about all the animals that live at Mr. B’s like tadpoles and snakes
6/9/2022 08:27:11 am
I learned that dolphins have two stomachs, and there are over 40 species of dolphins. And I got water from the tap water car, and it was pretty good. Even though this was my first time. So I enjoyed it.
6/9/2022 09:12:19 am
During nature fest I liked how some of my friends caught a snake and frogs. I learned about bullfrogs, red foxes, and water pollution. Some of my friends were presenting and I thought it was cool to learn about nature.
6/9/2022 09:13:02 am
I learned how to reduce electricity and water. full grown racoons are 3ft long. 95% of water is not drinkable and 3% is drinkable.
6/9/2022 09:14:25 am
Full grown raccoons are up to 3ft long.
6/9/2022 09:14:37 am
I learned a lot about the environment this year in Mr. B’s Backyard Classroom. I learned about the plants and how to identify them. I also learned a lot about the native animals in Mr. B’s and around our area of New Jersey during the nature fest. I learned about pollution, water and plant cycles also during nature fest. I even got to touch a snake. Overall I enjoyed going to Mr. B’s and learning about the environment during science class and the nature fest.
6/9/2022 09:15:18 am
I learned that we don't mess with animal life.My favorite memory of Mr.B's is when I saw a red dragonfly and Paige and Joey named the dragonfly velvet.It was my first time at nature fest and it was really hot outside and I liked how all the presentations had lots of facts I didn’t know about.
6/9/2022 09:15:36 am
I liked nature fest because I saw all the cool projects. I saw a snake I got the chance to hold it but I did not want to I learned new ways on how to preserve electricity. And got to taste water that they had not sure what it was but it was good and I learned that they make blueberries in New Jersey .
6/9/2022 09:15:41 am
Personally, I loved Mr. B’s backyard nature fest because I love nature. To me, nature exploration is my favorite because it is beautiful. My favorite presentation was about the salamanders that my best friend created, mainly because I love salamanders, and because my friend made it.
6/9/2022 09:16:05 am
I learned about different plants and animals. My favorite memory about Mr. B’s is walking around and looking at the different wildlife and plants. My thoughts on MR. B’s is that it is a peaceful and beautiful place.
6/9/2022 09:16:10 am
This was my first time at the nature fest.
6/9/2022 09:16:20 am
This year I learned a lot about the environment.In Mr.B’s backyard I learned about how trees leaves,And the alternate roots on the tree.I learned about all the animals that live around the lake.During the nature fest I learned about reducing water and to like take shorter showers to reduce water.Plus I learned that 97% of water on earth is salt water.And 91% of plastic is not recyclable. Thats what I learned this year at Mr.B’s backyard.
Araf Rahman
6/9/2022 09:16:46 am
I learned about the biology of different animals. I was interested in the snake and frog that was captured. I liked the fact that there were students and companies alike during the Nature Festival.
Michael Famelio
6/9/2022 09:17:04 am
This year's Nature Fest was Amazing.I learned multiple things like how to reduce water and electricity.I also loved the float up tree thing in the back.This is one of my first Nature Fest ever and I really enjoyed it.
6/9/2022 09:17:12 am
I learned about about the water on the earth and water facts and I learned about bacteria and tadpoles. I also learned about fish and sea creatures. My favorite memory is when I got to see the snake and my final thoughts about Mr.B’s is that its a great place.
6/9/2022 09:18:14 am
It was my 1st time in Mr. B’s garden. I have learned some of the different trees, plants, and leaves. A big garden has a bunch of animals and if we litter those animals might eat our litter and die. That is why we don't litter in the garden or anywhere on our earth. My favorite part about the garden is how we looked around and saw different species around us in the garden. It was a good time there.
6/9/2022 09:18:32 am
I really liked the nature fest. It was my first time there were animals around and it was cool. I learned about red foxes, snakes, blueberries and other items. It was really cool. There was free tap water and I saw friends.
6/9/2022 09:19:13 am
When I went to nature fest in Mr B’s backyard I learned about Pine barren Tree frogs,Water usage, and mushrooms. All of the presentations were very well presented and it taught me a lot about things I didn't previously know.My favorite presentation was about water usage and how we need to save water for better things than long showers,plastic etc. Also learned we should use reusable items rather than just plastic.
kavily elliott
6/9/2022 09:29:44 am
What I learned in mr. B’s backyard and nature fest , in nature fest i learned that 72% of americans don’t compost and, also that mushrooms are the fruiting body of fungus ,and in mr.B’s backyard i learned a lot about how there is types of plants and there are groups of different plants . i love how i seen a snake in its habitat, and that to me showed that nature has all different types of plants and animals .
6/10/2022 05:42:06 am
I loved interacting with all the children, even though it could be overwhelming to have so many kids come up to you at once. Going around and seeing all the projects people worked on was my favorite part.
6/10/2022 05:42:21 am
I learned interesting facts that I never knew about other organisms.Also I learned how to get little kids attention and how to control a group of little kids when I'm talking.And how to get them excited about what I’m talking about.My favorite memory was that I held a box turtle that might of been an the box turtle I made a presentation about.
6/10/2022 05:42:26 am
Mr. B’s Backyard was a fun place to learn. I like to see the animals in a natural environment. Nature Fest was a good time. I got to run a station and I like talking to the little kids and seeing their smiles. When I worked at the environmental station, I got to see all the kids asking where they could get the wooden utensils. It was also really cool how they had a snake that we could touch. Mr. B’s Backyard was a great place to hold Nature Fest.
6/10/2022 05:42:46 am
I learned that snakes are very fast to learn how to avoid predators because I found the same snake twice and then it started hiding. My favorite memory was catching the snake and hearing the frogs little jumping noise.
6/10/2022 05:43:03 am
One of my favorite memories from Mr. B’s Backyard was when I waded into the ponds, trying to capture some of the cool little critters living in them. I almost caught a nice water snake and also got my socks wet in the process!
6/10/2022 05:43:23 am
I learned that there are a lot of animals there like snakes, turtles, birds, frogs, insects and a lot more.
Bryana Tigrado
6/10/2022 05:43:47 am
Seeing my other teachers and talking to them was my favorite part about nature fest.
6/10/2022 05:43:55 am
Nature fest was pretty cool I got to hang out with some of my friends, and I got to also help out my other friend with his games. Also a frog hopped into my water and me and my friend got chased by a snake. Presenting was kinda weird cause usually I walked around their instead I had to stay at a board most of the time.
6/10/2022 05:44:02 am
learned how much goes into setting up nature fest. I remember my favorite part was the shrine to Mr.Santo, and the canopy trying to fly away and hit children.
6/10/2022 05:44:17 am
I learned about other animals and organisms. My favorite memories were playing the games and walking around with my friends.
6/10/2022 05:44:24 am
I learned about the different native species in New Jersey and I loved to see the creative boards and games. I saw many of my friends and past teachers and it was fun seeing the little kids have fun with the games. I loved the kid’s faces lighting up when they got a cool prize and feeling good about “beating” the game, including the times when huge clumps of children came just to get prizes.
Ella Derasmo
6/10/2022 05:45:09 am
I learned that if you take care of nature more, it could turn out to be a much prettier place. My favorite memory was getting to see people and to teach them about nature.
Lamiah berry
6/13/2022 05:16:52 am
Composting has been around for 12000 years. Almost 72% of Americans don't compost. It also helps plants and also with recycling.
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