Tommy Hardiman
11/2/2018 05:51:10 am
Its important to take care of the water sheds because if we pollute the water shed than it will pollute all of our water. This happens because the water ways are all connected somehow. If all of our water is polluted and we drink it could kill millions.
11/2/2018 05:54:12 am
A watershed is an area draiming to a particaler body of water.When it rains water goes into groundwater,lakes,and rivers.We should protect Mr.B's backyard classroom and the Mullica river watershed to contian pollution to protect ainamal's and floading.
Haley Shaw
11/2/2018 05:54:54 am
Something that I learned about a watershed is that our local watershed is called "The mullica river" and that there are many ways a watershed can become polluted such as, soil, fertilizer,chemicals, and even car oil. It is important to care for our watershed because it can contain pollution and it also helps prevent flooding in our area. It also protects different species of animals.
Leah S
11/2/2018 05:55:59 am
I learned that watersheds are a area of water draining to a particular body of water and some ways that watersheds become polluted by oil,animal waste,soil,fertilizer, trash, and factory pollution. It is important to take care of them because it protects us from flooding and it protects the ocean .
11/2/2018 06:54:58 am
I learned many things at the watershed presentation. I learned that Galloway is part of the Mullikan River Watershed, and that they can become polluted by oil spills/leaks, excessive fertilizer on crops, bleach and other household chemicals, and ESPECIALLY throwing trash into rivers. It is important to protect watersheds because so we have drinking water, since it also supports the ecosystem, and since it eventually drains into the ocean.
11/2/2018 07:38:23 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a body of water. Watersheds are very important ti take care of. Watersheds help provide clean drinking water. It helps give a safe place for animals to live. It supports the ecosystem and it helps replenish groundwater. We need all these things for survive on Earth.
11/2/2018 07:38:31 am
I learned what a nonpoint and a point source pollution was, and what a watershed was. Watersheds provide us with Clean drinking water, and they protect our ecosystems!
11/2/2018 07:44:49 am
I already knew a lot about watersheds, but I did learn a few new things. I know now what makes up a watershed and where they are divided. And I know why it's important to protect it. For one thing, the watersheds give us drinking water that we use everyday. If we pollute the watershed, the water we drink could be dirty. Also, the watershed replenishes groundwater and traps runoff.
Aidan Y
11/2/2018 07:51:31 am
I learned that watersheds are areas of land that drain into a body of water. I also learned that it is important to take care of them so plants have water to live.
11/2/2018 07:55:32 am
I learned that some ways the watershed gets polluted is by throwing trash in the body of water,when boats leak gas or oil, and when we don't pick up our pets waste.I also learned what a point and non-point pollution is. It is important to take care of them because they help collect runoff water. Also a watershed it a safe place for animals and that is our drinking water so we need to keep it clean.
11/2/2018 08:00:30 am
I learned that watersheds can get very polluted. Some examples are throwing trash in bodies of water, gasoline, pesticides, and fertilizers. Some of these are point, and non point source pollution. These are bad for the environment and ecosystem. It's important to take care of watersheds so that it is safe for animals and humans.
Keith P
11/2/2018 09:53:20 am
I learned that watershed are getting slowly destroyed. People are throwing trash on the ground which dirty the water and animal waste and fertilizer are also making the water more toxic.
Hailey R
11/2/2018 09:53:44 am
i learned that when u littler it goes right into our water and we drink that water and its contaminated then we can start to get sick and eventually die so we need to stop littering also that on farms when we put fertilizer down and then it rains all that fertilizer is going into our water so we need to start being more cautious on what we r doing to protect out water sheds because with out them we would not be able to survive
11/2/2018 10:49:42 am
i learned that there is a watershed.Its important to take care of the watershed because we drink water
11/2/2018 10:49:43 am
water sheds are really important because the water is what human rely on so the water shed if we don't gave water sheds how are we gonna get shoped stuff from other countries watershed are water lake streams oceans
Leah Richardson
11/2/2018 10:50:26 am
If we dont protect our watershed we wont have clean water so we wont be able to survive.
11/2/2018 10:52:11 am
that every thing is difrent in every secshone
Franky rodriguez
11/2/2018 10:53:26 am
it is important to take care of the water shed because it helps out the environment and helps the animals live in the water and drink the water like fish,frogs,ground hogs.That´s why it important to keep the water shed good.
11/2/2018 10:55:45 am
What I learn about watersheds is first it is a land that drains into a common area. is it important to take care of them because it provides a habitat for animals. Therefore, the animals wont have trouble finding places to live and adapt. Furthermore, it also provides ground water. A way we can protect our watersheds is to stop using pesticides, using less plastic, and we can recycle more.
Amari Pinkett
11/2/2018 10:57:32 am
A watershed is an area of land that drains to a common body of water. It is important to take care of watersheds because we need clean water to survive and we need to protect habitats.
Ashar Khan
11/2/2018 11:01:58 am
There can't be pollution in the watershed because if there is, the water goes in the ground and we drink that water. Also if there is absolutely no pollution in the watershed then we can always have clean water to drink and bathe in.
Jason C
11/2/2018 11:09:52 am
Watershed help save the community from pollution. It is important to protect it because it removes pollution, provides habitat for animals,and restores ground water
11/5/2018 05:30:43 am
I've learned a lot about water sheds. A watershed is an area draining to a particular body of water. We need to keep watersheds clean, a lot of yucky things get into to the watershed that pollutes it such as Car oil, soil, factory pollution, etc. I've been trying to keep our law clean and its working so this watershed lesson taught me something importnant!
michael longo
11/5/2018 05:36:19 am
I learned that watersheds are very important and we should take good care of them or we would be drinking and bathing in bad water. if we would just clean up after ourselves and not use mulch then we wouldn't have to worry about water sheds.
11/5/2018 05:48:43 am
A watershed is a are doring particular body of water ,some way to protect a watershed is clean dog wast don't throw trash on the ground
Amorrae green
11/5/2018 05:52:50 am
i learned that watersheds are very important for our invirment because everyday many people eat crabs and fish out of lakes and rivers Tha'ts why its important to clean our invirment and stay healthy.
Evan Blake
11/5/2018 05:53:51 am
The presentation was nice,calm,and fun. We learned the way that they name the water shed. They go to the highest point in between to states and they drop water and witch ever way it floes is going to be the water shed.
11/5/2018 06:52:39 am
I learned that watersheds are important because they do many things for us and the environment. For example, watersheds provide clean water for us so we can drink. Another reason we should protect our watersheds is it is a habitat for many different animals. I think most people out there can say that they want animals to survive, so we should protect our to help animals to live.
11/5/2018 07:44:49 am
Watersheds are areas of land that drains into a common body of water. Watersheds become polluted when people throw trash into rivers, by human/ animal waste, fertilizers, pesticides, and household chemicals. It's important to take care of watersheds because we will be supporting the ecosystem and watersheds are a safe place for animals.
Emma Hardiman
11/5/2018 07:52:02 am
The Mullica watershed protects the residential area from flooding. But pollution is a threat to the watershed. Non point pollution is harder to track because you don't know exactly where it came from . Point source pollution is direct and you can tell where it comes from. Protecting our watershed matters because if we didn't have it our roads and homes would be flooding way more than they already are.
11/5/2018 07:52:59 am
A water shed is important because it releases water into a area. If you put to much fertilizer in plants and it rains the fertilizer can run through streams it can pollute the area.
11/5/2018 07:53:15 am
I learned that if you put to much fertilizer on your crops then when it rains the water from the crops could go in the nearest water supply and it can pollute it.It is impotent because if the water gets and it can pollute it.
11/5/2018 08:01:21 am
Watershed is pollution like ow fertilizer is bad and car oil because it contains deadly cemacals.
11/5/2018 11:05:59 am
the water shed is very important
Chance Henderson
11/5/2018 11:08:15 am
What I learned about the watershed of New Jersey is that it is very important to protect the watershed. It is important to protect the watershed because the watershed provides habitat to many animals and it is where all of the water goes that makes up our streams, rivers, lakes, and eventually goes into the ocean were if there is trash in the watershed it can harm the fish.
nadiah harley
11/5/2018 03:32:20 pm
What i learned about the water shed is that its an area of land that drains to a pacific body of water.Why its important to take care of them is because it protects plants and also if we didn't we would have floods.Lastly why else it is important to take care of them us because it protects our seafood and it's important to our natures water.
Samuel Austin
11/5/2018 05:46:25 pm
It is important to take care of watersheds because they help drain storm water runoff which prevents flooding.
11/13/2018 03:40:17 pm
I learned that it's important to protect our watershed. It is important to protect the watershed because the Mullica River Watershed supplies us with water to survive.
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