Hunter P
10/12/2017 05:17:08 am
What I learned about water sheds is that a watershed is water that drains down into a river or stream. It is important to take care of our watershed because we need to save habitats, animals, and preserve water.
10/12/2017 05:18:05 am
it was fun and helpfull
10/12/2017 05:19:08 am
i think that Mr.B's back yard classroom is boring.
Jose Molina
10/12/2017 05:19:38 am
Water sheds can get polluted really easily, such as pestosides can get in the water if u dont clean up your mess. or if u dont clean up your pets waste it cant get in the water sheds
10/12/2017 05:19:52 am
I learned about watersheds and why it was important in many ways. First to start, the watersheds drains the water for when it rains. It helps part of the poluttion. And the reason why the watershed is helpful because it helps the animals . It also helps the habitat.
10/12/2017 05:20:02 am
Watersheds are the path to water streams lakes and rivers but when the are in there watershed stage they run through pollutants that run into the water animals and sometimes we drink.
10/12/2017 05:20:45 am
This project was fun and it thought me sothing knew
Joshua Nunez
10/12/2017 05:21:00 am
Watersheds drain into rivers and streams. It is important to take care of watersheds because if it gets polluted by point source and non-point source pollution. It could get in the water and effect wild life or the water we drink. So pick up after trash, your dog, and stop throwing chemicals into the water.
Janavi. V
10/12/2017 05:21:37 am
I learned that a watershed is precipitation that flows into land. It's very important to take care of them because they provide clean water for our environment, and for us.
samantha lozada
10/12/2017 05:21:44 am
we learned that need to help the plants they are oriangel they put the water shed in the water and u can put be in a group
Shayla R.
10/12/2017 05:21:59 am
The watershed presentation was a good experience for me. we acted out being pollutants which helped me see it better and the presentation was a very big help. It gave me a different way to see how and why this is an important part of not only science but the environment in general.
Gigi C
10/12/2017 05:22:27 am
we take care of water sheds so that its clean for us to use when ever anything needs it
Samantha. L
10/12/2017 05:22:44 am
we learned about to help plants and that we can be in a group they put water shed
Aiden Koch
10/12/2017 05:24:26 am
In this presentation we learned what a watershed is, how it works, and where excess water and pollution goes to and how we as a community can help prevent it.
10/12/2017 05:24:37 am
I learned that a watershed is water that drains from land into a river or stream. I also learned that if you litter , don't pick up your dog pop/or cut down trees that its bad for the interment. Its bad because when it rains all the trash and everything else goes into the stream, river, or in the ground . Thats what i learned about watersheds.
Emily S
10/12/2017 05:27:17 am
At Mr.B's Backyard Garden we learned what a water shed is and the dangers pollution does. We learned that a water shed is when all the water drains from land int streams and rivers. Also we learned that Mr B's is a part of the Mullica River Watershed. The watersheds can get polluted by dog poop, fertalizer, gas and litter, chopping down trees and pestosides.
10/12/2017 05:27:27 am
the Mullica water shed presentation was amazing because she really showed us what to do. if you have a dog and it goes boom boom pick up the poop so that way when it rains it does not go in to the river.
latairah abdulhaqq
10/12/2017 05:30:55 am
what i learned about watershed was that they drain in rivers and streams........ it is important to take care of them because everything upstream ends up downstream.
Shane Schultz
10/12/2017 05:31:54 am
what i learned about watersheds is that they help nature i also learned about pollutions that can harm the watershed
Damien McCoy Cahill
10/12/2017 05:39:24 am
This was fun doing this we were acting like nature and stuff like that it taught me a lot of stuff about watershed. It was really fun
James M.
10/12/2017 06:21:39 am
What I learned from watersheds is that humans ruin the watersheds. Because us humans throw trash on the ground, not picking up your dogs waste, and cutting down trees. Then when it starts to rain, gravity pulls the water down so if it starts on a mountain the water with flow down the hill into the river or lake carrying all the trash, dog droppings, and trees into the water which populates the water we drink and swim in.
10/12/2017 06:24:24 am
i learned that watershed is when water drains into a body of water.
10/12/2017 06:25:31 am
It is important to take care of the watersheds because when it rains all the pollutants wash into the sewers and rivers and it eventually makes it into the ocean. This is because of the fact that us humans leave litter, fertilizers, and dog poop. What we also do is spay pesticides, cut down trees, and etc. this is why we humans should protect the watersheds.
10/12/2017 06:25:49 am
I learned that we actually have a watershed in our area. I learned that a watershed can also be polluted by everything that people leave behind. The water just simply carries it into the watershed. It's very important to protect them though, because watersheds may contain useful water. Polluting it is affecting it, making it unusable. The fish are affected by that as well, mostly because the polluted water is killing the fish.
10/12/2017 06:27:24 am
I learned that we live in the Mullica river shed. There is point source pollution, you can point it out and non point source pollution which means you cant point it out.
10/12/2017 06:28:07 am
I learn that everyday things we do, pollutes the water. We are the main problem to pollution. We need to stop it, and start help watersheds.
10/12/2017 06:29:10 am
I learned quite a bit during the watershed presentation in science. Some thing I learned was that water sheds can affect many water sources. I also learned that we can cause pollution just by doing everyday things.
Giana F
10/12/2017 06:29:54 am
I learned that everyday day things we do pollute the water. We need to stop it and start helping the watersheds. We could stop littering and other things.
10/12/2017 06:33:32 am
Today we learn that the water sheds an place of land that separates water flowing to different river or seas and body of water. The example the Mississippi River watershed is an enormous watershed. We were taught that we could save Mr.b by to save the animals by not putting any fish,.
Adrian M
10/12/2017 06:33:42 am
Watersheds drain into a body of water .
10/12/2017 06:35:38 am
I learned that water sheds drain Into to other bodies of water.Its important to take care of watersheds because its not just bodies of water its also to support habitats and plants.
10/12/2017 06:35:57 am
I learned that watersheds are an important part of nature. Watersheds let extra water drain into a body of water. Due to the messy nature of humans, some watersheds become contaminated with pollution. It is very important to take care of watersheds because pollution can be picked up by the water, and carried into an ocean or other large body of water. Which some of that water is used for drinking water.
10/12/2017 06:38:28 am
I learned that their is two forms of pollution,Point pollution and Non-Point pollution. Point source pollution can be followed to a point like a factory.Non-point pollution is pollution like fertilizer and the chemicals that you use to was your car they cant be traced to a specific place.
10/12/2017 06:39:15 am
Things that I leaned about watersheds are, that if there is trash in the watershed, it ends up in a lake.I also learned that it is important to keep the environment clean because, the trash could end up in a lake and a animal could eat it and die.
10/12/2017 06:39:55 am
I learned that watersheds are taken for granted, people don't realize that littering can cause a lot of damage! It's not only trash that invades our watersheds, it is also pet droppings, grass fertilizer, cutting down trees, waste from factories, and much more. I also learned what retention and detention is, they are two different bodies of water, retention means that the water is always full and its rare when it isn't full, detention means that it is temporarily full and allows water to go back into the ground. Even with all the ways you can destroy watersheds, there are also ways you can protect them! The very least you can do is throw away your trash, when you take your pet out on a walk you can bring a plastic bag to pick up the pet droppings, you can also compost, create a pile containing egg shells, orange and banana peels, anything that is good for soil. We should protect Mr. B's Backyard and the Mullica River because it can prevent flooding, replenish ground water, and because of the wildlife!
10/12/2017 06:42:36 am
It is important to keep our local watershed clean because if we liter or if we pollute all of the chemicals and germs will infect our water and we'll be drinking it. We also learned that non point source pollution & point source pollution is a reason watersheds are getting dirty and polluted. Which also kills wild life that lives near it.
10/12/2017 06:42:48 am
I learned that watersheds get polluted by not picking up your dogs poop,fertilizer,cutting down tress,littering.I also learned that a point source pollution is when you can point to it and a non point source pollution is were you cannot point to it.
10/12/2017 06:43:27 am
I learned that our main watershed is the Mullica River. I also learned about point and non point pollution. Point source is when you can point to where the pollution started. Non point is when you cant point exactly where it came from. It is important to protect our watershed because all that pollution flows all the way to the ocean and not just the ocean, it can stay in the river and also flow to other rivers and pollute them. It will affect the animals in the water and even die.
Alexandra M.
10/12/2017 06:44:09 am
During Mr B's Backyard, we observed a replica of the process of pollution and learned why and how a watershed is important. A watershed is a body of water where all the land flows into. Watersheds become polluted because people litter, factory waste, pesticides, and fertilizers. WE can help prevent this by composing.
Ashante T.
10/12/2017 06:44:24 am
At Mr.B's we learned and studied what a watershed is and how it works. Watershed is a place were water is stored into drains and bodies of water. When it rains the water goes into bodies of water and also the ground. Watersheds become polluted by dog waste, cutting down trees, praying pesticides and littering. We can prevent floods and help it go into the ground.
nida n
10/12/2017 08:33:00 am
I learned that a watershed is an area of land where water drains into rivers, lakes, ponds, oceans, and the ground. I also learned that watersheds can become by point and non-point pollution, some of these pollutants include littering, clear cutting trees, excess use of fertilizer, pesticides, and dog waste. Point pollution is when you have a point source infecting the area , however, non-point pollution is when there are multiple sources of pollution infecting the area and you cannot point out one source or where it came from. I learned that protecting our watersheds are important because it provides us clean drinking water and not only us but the animals that live in it. Some ways you can protect our watersheds is by, using natural alternatives for pesticides, using organic fertilizer such as compost, picking up trash from the ground and planting new trees for everyone you chop down.
Anthony D.
10/12/2017 08:33:37 am
During the watershed presentation I learned that a watershed is a landmass where water drain into a river. Also that factories dumping in chemicals, over fertilizing your lawn, littering, and pesticides are some ways that watershed can be polluted, but you can also protect our watersheds. By putting trash in the trash bin, picking up after your pets, and by using organic fertilizers. This day outside in Mr.B's was really interesting and fun.
10/12/2017 08:34:47 am
At Mr. B's, we learned many interesting things about watersheds. I learned a watershed is an area of land where water drains into bodies of water. When it rains the water can go into bodies of water and the ground. Watersheds are important to take care of especially Mr. B's because it is very meaningful. They are very important and hold the water so it doesn't flood. Also some animals live in places where the water goes to some we have to make sure they are clean. Watersheds are a very important thing and we have to take care of them.
10/12/2017 08:37:07 am
I learned a lot of things about watersheds. I learned that we live in the Mulica River watershed. Also there are two different kinds of pollution. Point source and Non Point source pollution. Point source is the kind of pollution that you know where it comes from. For example, if your dog poops and you don't pick it up that would be point source pollution. Non point source pollution is when there are a bunch of factories along the river and they test the water and it has multiple chemicals then they can't say one person did it or find out where the pollution came from. We have to keep pollution out of the watershed because the water is a important body of water.
10/12/2017 08:37:21 am
At Mr.BS I learned how animal waist,littering,fertilizing your lawn,cutting down trees and pesticide,ruins our watershed, the Mullicariver watershed.
10/12/2017 08:37:47 am
In this picture I was resting my head on the table but I was also listening to what the lady was talking about and there was a lot that she was saying. Some things I already knew and some things I did not know. Anyway, it was nice.
emily p
10/12/2017 08:37:59 am
In Mr.B's we had such a cool presentation about Watersheds. It was called "Mr.B's Watershed Presentation". The lady that was talking to us about the presentation included facts about where the water goes when it rains, different ways watersheds become polluted, non point and point source pollution and many other things. She told us that a watershed is a piece of land where water drains into a river. Some ways watersheds get polluted are by people littering, fertilizing way too much, cutting down too many trees and dog waist. We can easily stop pollution by picking up litter and dog waste, using organic fertilizer and replanting trees.
Deliana V.
10/12/2017 08:38:22 am
In Mr. B's, the watershed ambassador of watershed came and spoke to us. As i was listening to her, I also was looking around Mr. B's. It was peaceful and very relaxing as always. The lady that spoke to us was very kind and spoke to us all about what she knew about watersheds, what was in them, and how we could protect them. She also had a model of houses and stuff and our watershed and she "fertilized" it and we watched what happened when it rained. All the bad stuff went into our watershed. She was telling us thats what happens in real life.
10/12/2017 08:38:50 am
The watershed presentation informative and it talked about point source pollution and non-point pollution,What a watershed is...ETC.
Sage P
10/12/2017 08:38:56 am
In the presentation I learned that watersheds are polluted a lot by sources that you can find like a certain factory pollution and sources you cant tell where they came from becuase they happen so often. The watershed that we live near is the mullica river watershed and there are many pollutants that happen in our area. For example, toxic pestisides to keep away pesky bugs off lawns run into the river and eventually the ocean. Along with not picking up your pet´ s smelly waste, and that could run in the river as well. Its very important to take care of our watersheds because they run into the ocean where people enjoy the beach. Mainly there are many animals that live in or near the water shed and the pollutants could affect the animals, like the plastic litter people throw our thier window of thier cars. There are some pollutants however, we can´t stop like the harmful pollution from factories and cars.
Monica B.
10/12/2017 08:39:29 am
In Mr. b's backyard we leaned about watersheds. A watershed is an area of land where water flows downhill and back into the ocean or into the ground. Its important to take care of watersheds because if we litter, or fertilize too much, or leave dog waste on the ground, we would have an unhealthy environment. No fresh water and plants won't grow. if we keep it clean, us and animals in water will be safe. This is why we should take care of our surroundings and keep the Earth clean.
10/12/2017 08:41:29 am
Mr. B backyard was so much fun as soon as we sat down info just started to download into my brain. I learned that some ways watershed become polluted is by animals waste,littering,fertilizer,cutting trees,and pesticides.
10/12/2017 08:41:56 am
I learned a lot about watersheds at the Mullica River Watershed Presentation. One thing I learned was how polluted our water could get if we fertilize our yard with unhealthy fertilizers or fail to pick up our dog's poop off the side of the road. It is very important to take care of watersheds because if we pollute it the water we drink and shower from will be dirty.
10/12/2017 08:43:40 am
From the watershed presentation, I learned about the different ways people pollute watersheds. Fertilizer is one way of polluting nearby watersheds. When it rains, the water flows down the runoffs and takes the fertilizer with it. You can prevent pollution from fertilizer by using very little or use organic fertilizer. Another source of pollution is dog feces. This greatly affects the watersheds and there is a simple way to stop it from polluting the watersheds. Use a bag to scoop it and put it in the trash. Its simple. We need these watersheds for as source of water.
Frank G
10/12/2017 08:45:34 am
A watershed is an area of land where water drains into a river. The water goes into plants or mostly the ocean. Water sheds get polluted by point source and non point source. You can tell where point comes from. Factories. Non point comes from everyone you cant tell. It can be from dog poop, fertilizer, and litter. To protect it you can, pickup after pet, throw trash in trash can recycling in recycle, use organic fertilizer,use alternative organic pesticide , and replant.
10/12/2017 08:46:28 am
What I learned about watersheds is that its a drain, that leads into a lake from when it rains. It can also be polluted by non point pollution and point pollution. It can be polluted if when it rains there is to much fertilizer, dog poop, cut wood, Factory waste or pesticides so then when it rains it takes it all and goes into the lakes or ponds.
10/12/2017 08:51:21 am
We learned about about all the different types of pollution we create in our everyday lives. Including pesticides, pet waste, and car wash soap.Then we learned on how we can preserve our watershed.
10/12/2017 08:57:57 am
A couple days ago with my peers in class I went to Mr.B's backyard.While we were there we have another teacher who taught us about watersheds. She taught us many things while we were present at the pond. She helped us learn watersheds is a area of land water will drain into a rive and that it goes to lakes, oceans, ponds and any water area really besides water bottles and what not.She instructed us how watersheds can become polluted like from buildings , factories, animals waste and even types of pestaside. We indoctrinated point and nonpoint source pollution and what both of them are.We talked about and gathered information on how we can protect our watersheds. After that we talked about the two ponds we have here at our own Mr.b's. Lastly at our visited we talked about how Mr.B's is apart of the Mullica River Watershed and why we should protect it.
10/12/2017 10:42:32 am
i like turtles
10/12/2017 10:45:00 am
I learned a lot about watersheds and why we should protect them. First, I learned that a watershed is an area where when it rains the water sheds into a body of water. One reason why we should take care of it is because without the Mullica River plant and animal life in the river, along with the other animals that depend on the river will not survive.
10/12/2017 10:58:18 am
I learned that a watersheds Basins is retention and detion.
10/12/2017 10:58:57 am
I learned that we are in the Mullica River Watershed, and that a watershed is an area of land where it rains and goes into a body of water. The water when it rains goes into ponds, lands, rivers, and oceans. Watersheds gets polluted by many things. For example, watersheds could get polluted by chemicals, killing trees, and not picking up poop. The watershed is important to protect because we use the water for drinking water, and the watershed is a habitat to many animals.
10/12/2017 10:59:13 am
I learned that in the GTMS parking lot it has a water way that leads to out watershed. Our watershed has animals a lot of trees, a lot of plant and flowers.
10/12/2017 10:59:25 am
1. I learned a lot of ways to protect the watersheds for example some people just throws trash on the ground and water and the trash could hurt an animal or kill it we should recycle it will help the earth and will help the watershed too
10/12/2017 11:00:54 am
What I learned about watersheds was that watersheds is an area of land that when it rains ,the water sheds into bodies of water.It is important to take care of them because it is all a cycle and it needs something for it to go so we should take care of the water shed because we need that system to have it all balanced for example mr.b's backyard classroom helps it as well because when it rains it drains into the ocean and other bodies of water. Lastly,we need to protect it cause is a special place its very unique and different and is man made and like not many people can say that they have a backyard classroom called and it has ponds and it very different way to learn about like nature and all the things it provides a lot of different experiences for learning.
10/12/2017 11:02:16 am
When I went to Mr.B's we learned about watersheds.A Watershed is an area of land that when it rains the water drains into a body of water. After the water goes into the Mullica watershed then the water can go to the ocean, pond, river, lakes, and the ground. I learned the watershed can get polluted. Some ways this could happen is littering, pet waste,fertilizer, pesticides ,and cutting trees . I also learned how we can protect watersheds. we can recycle, have cleanups, throw away trash, pick up your dogs waste, use less fertilizer, use less pesticides, and replant tress. These are just some of the things I learned about the watersheds.
Brian Dougherty
10/12/2017 11:02:37 am
I learned a lot about the the watersheds, including what watershed that we are in. We are in the Mullica River Watershed. Though we may think less of watersheds, they are a large part of are ecosystem. They are homes to animals, something that is starting to become crucial. We keep on using land for landfills or unneeded properties, land that could be used for wildlife. So if we don't protect and preserve the little land that belong to the animals, they may die off and completely disappear from our planet.
10/12/2017 11:02:51 am
What I learned that a watershed is rain that comes down from the clouds, and that rain runs off into a lake. Another thing that I learned about watersheds is all the water that goes into a lake is fresh water.It's important to take care of watersheds because since the water isn't polluted and its fresh we should take care of the water so it doesn't get polluted.
Christopher D
10/12/2017 11:02:51 am
During the presentation last week, i learned a few things i didn't know before about watersheds. I learned that many things we do everyday affect the Mullica river watershed In negative ways like not picking up pet "droppings", fertalizing the grass and plants a lot, using pesticides,and other things like that. It is important to protect watersheds because they serve as homes and animals and insects will lose their habitats and the water will get polluted and won't be able to use anymore. Mr. B's is a part of the Mullica river watershed because the water from the ponds leads to the large watershed.
10/12/2017 11:03:01 am
We learned that the watersheds have to be protected because of all the stuff that is going in are water like dogs poop, chemicals, federalizer, and others.
10/12/2017 11:03:26 am
watersheds are like resivoirs they store water from the water cycle
10/12/2017 11:03:34 am
I learned that The Mullica River watershed is an area of land that, when it rains, the water sheds into lakes and ponds. We should protect them because the water that collects is apart of that areas wildlife. If we pollute it then the animals won't like the water and they will leave.
Christopher lane
10/12/2017 11:05:32 am
I learn that watersheds are place where water flows into lakes, and oceans and so more. It is good to take care of watersheds they hold most of the water.
10/12/2017 11:10:54 am
What I learn about watershed is that. It is a body of water that goods to the mullica river or other body of water.It's important to take care of the watersheds because it flows in to are water that we drink.Some ways we pollution the water is by point source and non point source.With non point source you can not tell what the polluted it is, but with point you can tell.some examples are not picking up after your pat and many more.
Frank M.
10/12/2017 11:11:19 am
The Mullica river watershed is the watershed that we live in and most of the water goes to the Mullica river. It is important to protect the watershed, because if the watershed is tampered with than the river will loose water and a new river could form.
A'Niyah Hyman
10/12/2017 11:11:19 am
I learned that a watershed is a body of land where water collects and sheds into a body of water. Also it's important to take care of them is, because it carries our water into the lakes, ponds, and oceans.
10/12/2017 11:11:28 am
First, I learned that a watershed is a piece of land that water flows into a body of water and our watershed is the Mullica river watershed. Next, some ways that a watershed can become polluted is pet waste, littering,fertilizer,pestdicide,and chopping down trees. Also, some ways you can protect our watersheds are recycle, pick up waste and put it in the trash,compost,use less harmful pesticide, replant trees. Finally, the two types of pollution are point source pollution which is a pollution you can point to where the pollution came from, and non point source pollution is the pollution that is polluting the watershed doesn't go strait into the watershed, you cant point to where it came from.
10/12/2017 11:11:45 am
I learned a lot about watersheds from, Lauren, the watershed ambassador. I learned things like point source and non point source pollution, how to prevent pollution, and what a watershed does in the community. We used activities to help us understand how different things pollute into the ocean. The activities helped us realize that we should stop doing these harmful things to our oceans. It is important to take care of watersheds because they create our drinking water. We don't want polluted drinking water. Also it is important because we just don't want pollution anyways.
10/12/2017 11:12:07 am
ithoght it was reeley fun and cool becuse i relly like science
10/12/2017 11:12:34 am
1. I learned that we live in Mullica River watershed. The water can gather in ponds, oceans, and rivers. The water also seeps into the ground. I learned that watersheds can get polluted by cars, trash, pet waste, fertalizer, and bug repelent. Also if you chop trees down, the water will get murky.
Kiera L.
10/12/2017 11:15:19 am
I learned that watersheds are man-made and get there water from the runoff from streets. I also learned that watersheds can and are being polluted by non-point source pollution and point source pollution. Non-point source pollution is pollution that come from neighborhoods like dog poop or fertilizer. Point source pollution is pollution that we know where it came from like local factories. It is important to take care of our watersheds because it can provide homes for animals and helps prevent flooding in our areas.
10/30/2017 06:45:59 am
We saw that the detention pond was all dried up and the pond was lower than usual
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